- 1 litre fresh milk, of any kind
- 100g or 2 tbsp full of plain yoghurt with live cultures
- Place milk into a pot and bring to boil on low heat.
- Constantly stir with a whisk to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
- If you have a thermometer the temperature should reach 85C (185F) degrees.
- Remove from the heat and allow the temperature to drop to 42–44C (110F) degrees, lukewarm.
- Another way is to test it with your little finger until you can bear the heat counting to fourteen.
- Poor the plain yoghurt in a bowl and whisk it with some of the lukewarm milk.
- Add the diluted plain yogurt and whisk well to mix it with the lukewarm milk.
- Place the lid on the pot and cover with a clean bath towel or a blanket and keep in a warm place without moving it overnight to ferment.
- If it is winter, the yogurt will be done within 8-10 hours, otherwise during the summer it’ll take 6-8 hours.
- I generally ferment my yogurt after dinner or before going to bed.
- The following morning my yogurt is ready to be placed into the fridge.
- Refrigerate for a few hours before you strain your yogurt (Optional), giving it a chance to cool down.
- Using a cheesecloth or even a coffee filter placed into a strainer and strain your freshly made yogurt to rid off the excess water.
- Once the yogurt is strained to the desired thickness place in a container and whisk it until it becomes a smooth cream.
- You can then transfer it into smaller containers and refrigerate.
- Don’t forget to save some of your yoghurt to use it as a starter for the next time you decide to make some more.
- You can freeze it and use it whenever you are ready to make some more.
- For every litre of milk you use, you will need 100g or 2 tbsp full of plain yogurt.
- Greek home made yogurt can be eaten as is, with some honey or any other syrup, with fresh fruits, make desserts, marinate meat, make Tzatziki, accompanying pasta and pilaf dishes or it can be used in so many other ways

Greek Homemade Yogurt – Elliniko Yiaourti