Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Grilled Squid – Calamari sti Skara

Ingredients: 2 lb cleaned calamari tubes 8 minced cloves of garlic 1/2 cup olive oil 1 tsp lemon zest (lemon peel grind) 6 tbsp lemon juice 4 tbsp oregano 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper Chopped parsley for garnishment Lemon wedges Method: Clean and wash the calamari under plenty of running water. Using paper towel […]

Greek Tomato Dip

Ingredients: 2-3 large ripped tomato grated 2-3 cloves of garlic or to taste Olive oil Oregano Finely chopped parsley Salt and pepper to taste Method: Grate the tomatoes and place them in a fine strainer to strain the excess liquid. Add some salt over the grated tomatoes, stir and wait for a few minutes until […]

About Soujoukos & Palouzes (information)

In older times, traditional sweets were made from the boiled thick grape juice which apart from honey was the only other available sweetener. Such sweet grape products were especially made in village clusters that produced grapes in abundance. In 1801 Clarke noted that, “perhaps there is no part in the world where the vine yields such […]

Savory – Throubi Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Throubi, θρουμπί, pronounced throo-BEE At the market: Savory is seldom available at the grocery market as a freshly cut herb. It is most often sold as dried leaves in disposable containers. Summer savory is easily grown in indoor herb gardens or outdoors in warm weather. Physical characteristics: In the wild, savory […]