Souvlaki (soo-vlah-kee) is the term used to describe “little skewers” of meat that are marinated in a wonderful red wine marinade and then grilled. Souvlakia are traditionally wrapped in pita bread and then topped with a variety of condiments – lettuce, tomato, onion, and of course, the famed tzatzikisauce. They are also quite delicious without the pita […]
Search Results for: BREAD
Homemade Greek Gyro Sandwich or Dinner
The way professionals make gyro on an upright rotisserie is fabulous, but not the most practical for most of us cooking at home. This version uses the same meat (pork) and seasonings, but has been adapted to home cooking. Other popular versions of Greek gyro are made with beef, lamb, or chicken. Prep Time: 45 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Total […]
Omeleta me Kolokythakia: Zucchini Omelet
In Greek: ομελέτα με κολοκυθάκια (pronounced oh-meh-LEH-tah meh koh-loh-kee-THAHK-yah) This is a brunch, lunch or dinner omelet, traditionally served in summer as a light main dish, but it works any time of the year when zucchini is available. The tastes of zucchini, olive oil, and egg are a perfect fit. The recipe is flexible, but […]
Omeleta me Patates: Potato Omelet
In Greek: ομελέτα με πατάτες, pronounced oh-meh-LET-tah meh pah-TAH-tess A pie-like omelet, this is a great way to use leftover fried potatoes (just warm them in a little oil in a frying pan). Otherwise, make it with fresh fries and feta cheese, for a delicious meal. Add a crisp green salad, Greek olives, crusty bread […]
Greek Omelets & Scrambles: They’re Not About the Eggs
It may sound strange if you live in a country where eggs are plentiful and omelets and scrambles are heavy on the eggs and light on any additions; but, in Greece, a country where vegetables, cheeses, and fruit have historically been the primary recipe ingredients, traditional omelets and scrambles are not focused on the egg. Meeting fabulous […]
Karythata: Sugared Walnut Cookies
In Greek: καρυδάτα, say: kah-ree-THAH-tah A dusting of confectioner’s sugar on fabulous walnut-rich walnut-sized cookies is just enough for a delicious mouthful. Quick to make, these cookies are autumn and winter favorites. The recipe makes about 5 dozen small sugared walnut cookies. Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 3 egg whites 6 tablespoons of […]
Amygthalota: Almond Cookies
In Greek: αμυγδαλωτά, pronounced ah-meegh-thah-loh-TAH These are favorite cookies all over Greece. The recipe calls for blanched almonds, sugar, egg whites, lemon juice, bread crumbs, and self-rising flour. The key to working with the dough (which is very granular) is to coat hands with seed oil (sunflower or other) while forming the cookies so the dough doesn’t […]
Petimezopita: Grape Molasses Spice Cake
In Greek: πετιμεζόπιτα, say: peh-tee-meh-ZOH-peetah The recipe for petimezi, a molasses-like syrup made with grapes, dates back to the Bronze Age. Petimezican also be made from grape must, and may also be available in Greek markets. It gives a unique flavor to this spice cake which tastes like a cross between carrot cake and gingerbread. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook […]
Petimezopita: Grape Molasses Spice Cake
In Greek: πετιμεζόπιτα, say: peh-tee-meh-ZOH-peetah The recipe for petimezi, a molasses-like syrup made with grapes, dates back to the Bronze Age. Petimezican also be made from grape must, and may also be available in Greek markets. It gives a unique flavor to this spice cake which tastes like a cross between carrot cake and gingerbread. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook […]
Greek Recipes for Coffee Cake-Style Cakes
Greek cakes come in many varieties. Some are soaked in light scented syrups, and some are more along the lines of what you might call a “coffee cake.” These include spice and nut cakes, cheesecakes, and cake that resembles pound cake. Apple Coffee Cake – Milopita This delicious coffee cake is easy to make and, […]