Stuffed grape leaves (dolmades, dolmathakia) are a favorite appetizer and meze, and one of the most traditional of all Greek dishes. They can also be served as a side dish or main dish. Stuffed Grape Leaves with Rice and Herbs – Dolmathakia Tender grape leaves are used to wrap little parcels stuffed with rice, pine […]
Search Results for: BREAD
Quick and Easy Basic Greek Party Platter
Without a lot of fuss, and using ingredients that are easy to find, here’s how to put together a party platter that’s authenticallly Greek. It can be multiplied to serve a crowd, served along with other appetizers and mezethes, or served as is for 2 to 4 people. 1 tomato cut into wedges 8-10 small […]
Tzatziki – Cucumber Yogurt Dip
Cool and creamy, this tangy cucumber dip flavored with garlic is the perfect compliment to grilled meats and vegetables. It’s served on the side with warm pita bread triangles for dipping, and is also used as a condiment for souvlaki. Prep Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 3 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. vinegar 2 cloves garlic, […]
Piperies me Tyri: Spicy Stuffed Peppers with Feta
In Greek: πιπεριές με τυρί, pronounced pee-peh-reeYES meh tee-REE This recipe is a specialty in the shadows of Mount Olympos, where it is served as a meze with a locally made spirit. Serve it as an appetizer, meze, or side dish. The recipe calls for bull’s horn (or Anaheim or Cubanelle) peppers (long and tapered, light green […]
Saganaki: Pan-Seared Greek Cheese
In Greek: σαγανάκι (pronounced sah-ghah-NAH-kee) Saganaki dishes take their name from the pan in which they are made. A sagani is a two-handled pan that is made in many different materials. In the market, look for a small paella pan, small cast iron skillet, or even an oval au gratin dish. Serve this as an appetizer, as an […]
Pasta Elias: Olive Paste Spread with Garlic (Tapenade)
In Greek: πάστα ελιάς, pronounced PAH-stah el-YAHS This blend of olives, garlic, oil, and vinegar is a sharp and tangy spread for breads, breadsticks, and vegetables, and the perfect meze to bring out the best in Ouzo or wine. Prep Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 3 cups of pitted black (Kalamata) or green olives 3 teaspoons extra virgin […]
Dakos: Cretan Meze
In Greek: ντάκος, pronounced DAH-kohss A traditional meze or light meal on the island of Crete,dakos (also called “koukouvayia”) is often called “Greek bruschetta,” and is easy to make with few ingredients and no cooking. You can find rusks atonline Greek food shops, make your own, or use a thick slice of grilled or toasted crusty country bread(without the water). […]
Top 10 Quick and Easy Greek Appetizers
These hot and cold appetizers have four things in common: they’re Greek favorites, they’re delicious, prep time is 15 minutes or less, and (if hot) combined prep/cook time is 30 minutes or less. 1. A Slice of Feta This is the ultimate Greek touch to any table, whether you’re serving appetizers or a full meal. Total […]
What to Serve with Ouzo: Mezethes
Small dishes of foods are always served with ouzo and can range from simple to elaborate. Here are a few suggestions: Cold No-Cook Mezethes Nuts and dried fruit Lathovrekto (Greek Bruschetta) Olive Paste Taramosalata Tomato and feta salad Chunks of Greek cheese(graviera and feta, especially) Cucumber slices Olives Tomato slices Crusty bread, breadsticks, pita wedges Hot Mezethes Baked potatoes […]
Greek Bruschetta – Lathovrekhto
In Greek: λαδοβρεχτό, pronounced lah-thoh-vrekh-TOH The word lathovrekhto means “moistened with oil.” Rusks (paximathia, παξιμάδια, say: pahk-see-MAHTH-yah), which are twice-baked breads, or grilled country breads form the base of these simple mezethes or appetizers. I well remember, as a new bride in Greece, being offered a thick slab of grilled bread topped with fabulous extra […]