Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Greek Traditional Kokoretsi

INGREDIENTS: 2 plucks (lamb or goat) 2kgr intestines (lamb or goat) some extra sweetbreads salt, pepper, oregano METHOD: Wash the intestines (inside) and place them in a bowl with enough vinegar for about 1h, then drain them and place them in a covered bowl in the refrigerator. Wash the plucks, cut into a square size […]

Halloumi Cheese in Batter

Ingredients: halloumi cheese 2 cups oil 100gr flour 0.5 tsp baking powder Salt 180gr water or milk 1 egg (Serves 4) Preparation: Cut the halloumi into thick slices. Make batter with flour, baking powder, salt, water or milk and eggs. Dip the halloumi first in the flour and then in the batter and fry in […]

Giant Beans with Celery

GIGANTES ME SELINO Gigantes, giant beans, are similar to what Americans know as butter beans. This recipe comes from Ioanna Brotsi, who opened her Arcadian home to us, invited ten of her neighbors, and served us up a feast of old recipes and handwritten cooks’ notebooks. Makes about 4 to 6 servings Ingredients: 1⁄2 pound dried Greek giant […]

Sage – Faskomilo Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Faskomilo, φασκόμηλο, pronounced fahs-KOH-mee-lo At the market: Sage is available as fresh or dried leaves. Dried sage is usually available in either coarse ground or powder form. Buy fresh sage that is strongly scented. Refrigerate wrapped in a paper towel in a sealable plastic bag, to keep usable for up to […]

Moussaka Byzantine Recipe

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups natural barley salt 3/4 cup Feta cheese, crumbled 1 lb. ground beef 1 onion, finely chopped bread crumbs 4 zucchini, sliced 3 cups medium white sauce: 2 Tbs olive oil 2 Tbs flour 1 cup of warm milk pinch of salt Method: Cook the barley in salted water until done. Drain […]