Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Tourva (Moist Coconut Cake)

Ingredients: 1/4 lb sweet butter and 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 6 eggs separated 1 1/2 cups flour  (all purpose flour or cake flour) 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk 6 to 8 ounces of coconut For the syrup:   3 cups sugar 4 1/2 cups water some lemon juice […]

Arnaki Kleftiko: Bandit’s Lamb

In Greek: αρνάκι κλέφτικο, pronounced ahr-NAH-kee KLEF-tee-koh This recipe is an adaptation of a dish fixed in the mountains by guerillas (bandits) who needed to cook without being seen. They placed the meat on coals in a hole, covered it up, and let it cook for up to 24 hours. No trace of any stolen […]

Hoirino me Fassolia: Pork and Beans

In Greek: χοιρινό με φασσόλια, pronounced hee-ree-NO meh fahs-SOL-yah This Greek recipe for Pork and Beans is one that reflects a traditional method of cooking: meat and vegetables are prepared separately on the stovetop, then combined and cooked in the oven until the tastes meld. Any type of dried bean works well but, as the […]

Baked Macaroni (Makaronia Fournou)

Serves 8-10 Ingredients: 900 gr macaroni 100 gr butter 200 gr onion -finely chopped 650 gr minced beef 900 gr riped tomatoes -peeled and finely chopped 2 tablespoons tomato paste ½ tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon sugar Pinch of nutmeg (optional) Seasoning 100 gr halloumi cheese For the sauce: 50 gr butter 50 gr flour 600 […]

Chicken pies

There are a multitude of different fillings, according to the season and the occasion. The pastry used to wrap them also varies, from the paper-thin fillo pastry found in the cities to permutations of homemade puff pastry, or a simple, homemade substitute for fillo. Fillo pastry freezes well and it will keep frozen for up to […]

Spanaki me Sparaggia Ograten: Spinach & Asparagus Bake

In Greek: σπανάκι με σπαράγγια ογκρατέν, pronounced spah-NAH-kee meh spah-RAHG-yah oh-grah-TEN Ograten (au gratin) dishes became part of the Greek cooking experience in the early 1900s, and this combination of fresh spinach and asparagus on a bed of grated potatoes, with cream and sharp cheese is a delicious example of this type of cooking. Serve as a […]

Zucchini Fritters with Feta – Kolokithokeftethes me Feta

These zucchini fritters called kolokithokeftethes (koh-loh-kee-thoh-kef-TEH- thes) are a tasty addition to any meze table. Try them as a vegetarian alternative to meatballs or top them with a fresh tzatziki sauce and you just may decide to make them the main meal. Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes Yield: Approximately 25-30 fritters Ingredients: 2 1/4 lbs.(1 kilo) zucchini […]