Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Artichoke and Leek Pie – Aginaropita

This recipe for Artichoke Pie or Aginaropita (ah-gee-nah-ROH-peetah) is a traditional favorite of the beautiful island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. You can make a full pan of the pita or use the filling to make individual finger-friendly phyllo triangles.Enjoy this recipe on its own as a light meal or pair it with an entrée as a side […]

Tiganites: Pancakes / Fritters

In Greek: τηγανήτες, pronounced tee-ghah-NEE-tess Similar to small pancakes, these light, crispy medallion-sized treats are a delight served with honey or petimezi… or with syrup, preserves, or a creative topping of your own design. They can be eaten as a sweet snack, with breakfast, or as a brunch dish. Favorites during The Great Lent, these […]

Skaltsounes me Karytha: Honey Coconut Turnovers

In Greek: σκαλτσούνες με καρύδα, say: skahlt-SOO-nehs meh kah-REE-thah This recipe for Honey Coconut Turnovers is made in the traditional Greek way – with olive oil (no butter). Depending on the filling, skaltsounes and other small pies are served as appetizers, snacks, and desserts. This sweet version is perfect with coffee, tea, or milk – at home, […]

Skaltsounia me Fystikia Aiginis: Pistachio Turnovers

In Greek: σκαλτσούνια με φυστίκια Αιγίνης, say: skahlt-SOON-yah meh fee-STEEK-yah eh-YEE-nees The Greek island of Aigina (say: EH-yee-nah) is famous for its pistachio nuts and this recipe for pistachio turnovers showcases them beautifully. The dough is rolled out to the thickness of a standard pie crust (about 1/8 of an inch), but the recipe is […]

Krouasan me Feta: Feta Croissants

In Greek: κρουασάν με φέτα, pronounced croo-ah-SAHN meh FEH-tah These delightful croissants are not sweet, and make a wonderful addition to the breakfast, brunch, buffet, or cocktail table. Use commercial croissant dough, or make your own for a light, delicious taste. Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 5 packages of croissant dough (8 croissants each) or […]

Spanakopita Bites – Easy Spinach and Feta Cheese Appetizers

Spanakopita Bites are mini phyllo pastry shells filled with a delicious spinach and feta cheese filling. They are easy to prepare and can be a quick and easy alternative to rolling and wrapping individual phyllo triangles. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 50 minutes Yield: Approximately 45 pieces Ingredients: 1 lb. spinach, chopped (you can substitute frozen, thawed […]