This is a great dish for a family dinner or a friendly gathering. The good thing is that your kitchen will smell amazing while making it. The bad thing is that you will have to wait two hours to enjoy it! INGREDIENTS for 4-6 people 1.5kg pork butt cut into medium sized cubes 1 green […]
Search Results for: Baking
Oregano and honey glazed lamb
Note: In Greece lambs are small and one can never buy just the leg, which is usually sold together with some of the ribs, so 2.5kg were barely enough for 4 people. In other countries where you can buy larger animals, that amount of meat will be too much for just for people, so adjust […]
Geography Cake – Keik Geografias
A great accompaniment for tea and coffee or a nice cold glass of homemade lemonade! Ingredients: 250 gr. unsalted butter or spry 2 cups sugar (1/2 of which is icing sugar) 6 eggs 1.5 cup orange juice plus grated orange peel 1/4 cup cognac/brandy 1/2cup milk 3 cups sifted plain flour (in Cyprus – Farina 00) […]
Almond- and Sesame-Stuffed Pastries from Laconia (Peloponessos)
SAMOUSATHES Makes about 30 pieces Ingredients: For the pastry: 3⁄4 cup strained fresh orange juice 4 large eggs 31⁄2 to 41⁄2 cups all-purpose flour, as needed For the filling: 3⁄4 cup sesame seeds 3 cups finely ground walnuts or almonds (not blanched) 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1⁄2 teaspoon ground cloves For the syrup: 2 cups […]
Walnut-Filled Crescents (Peloponessos)
RAFIOLIA In the pastry shops of Monemvassia, the beautiful Venetian fortressed port on the east coast of the Peloponnesos, these little crescents are a main attraction. I love the name—clearly Venetian, although the pastry itself is as Greek as one can get. Rafiolia are a specialty throughout this whole southeastern region of the Peloponnesos, all the way down to Neapoli. This recipe […]
Dough Fritters Drizzled with Honey and Nuts (Peloponessos)
THIPLES Thiples—sometimes called xerotygana—are not unique to the Peloponnesos, but they are very much a part of the region’s culinary life. “A wedding without thiples would be like a wedding without a bride,” one woman told me. While the sweet is made all over Greece, it is shaped differently from place to place. In Crete, for example, strips of dough about […]
Pencil-Thin Dough Fritters (Peloponnesos)
In greek LALANGIA i TIGANIDES These are the signature fritters of the southern Peloponnesos, piled high in bakeries and sweet shops, made at home around Christmas, and savored with either honey or grated cheese. They are made with a basic bread dough, leavened with homemade starter. It is a process that requires some time, but overall it is easy. Makes about […]
Fish Baked in Foil – Barbounia sto harti
There are many times when we need easy fish recipes to make a quick dinner, not too complicated or time consuming, not too many ingredients, but still produce a fresh, healthy meal that tastes great. If that’s what you’re looking for this recipe is ideal. Although many Greek recipes can be quite time intensive, when […]
Lenten Biscuits – Paximathia Nistisima
Ingredients: 5-6 cups all purpose flour 1 cup finely chopped walnuts 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tbsp. ground anise seed 3 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ground cloves 2 cups vegetable oil 1 3/4 cups sugar 1 cup orange juice 1/4 cup brandy Zest of one orange Method: Using a mixer, beat the oil […]
Honey-Sesame Snacks – Pasteli
Ingredients: 200 grams of sesame seeds 450 grams of aromatic honey 2 tbsp of lemon juice 1 1/2 tbsp of unsalted melted butter 1 tbsp of orange blossom water (Optional) Method: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Line a shallow baking pan with parchment per and spread the sesame seeds on it and bake […]