Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Prasopita: Leek Pie

In Greek: πρασόπιτα, say: prah-SO-peetah Prasa (leeks) are favorites in all types of Greek cooking, but are special favorites baked with cheese in phyllo (filo, fillo) dough. The recipe makes 6 large pieces, suitable for a main dish or snack, and can be cut into smaller pieces to use as appetizers or a side dish. Like […]

Hortopita: Greens Pie

In Greek: χορτόπιτα, say: hor-TOH-pee-tah Similar to the small, fried greens pies, this pan-sized version can be made with a mixture of greens or just one, wild or cultivated. Using packaged puff pastry (sfoliata in Greek) makes this an easy recipe to put together. The pie serves 8 as a snack or light meal, and also works […]

Meltizanopita: Eggplant & Meat Pie

In Greek: μελιτζανόπιτα, pronounced meh-leed-zah-NO-peetah This Greek version of a pot pie is a delicious main dish. It can be served at room temperature, making it a great snack as well. The recipe calls for eggplant (from which it gets its name) ground beef, onion, garlic, wine, tomatoes, rice, and feta cheese. Cook Time: 1 hour Total […]

Makaronopita Horiatiki: Country Macaroni Pie

In Greek: μακαρονόπιτα χωριάτικη, say: mah-kah-roh-NO-peetah haw-ree-AH-tee-kee The taste combination of feta cheese with pasta is what makes this macaroni pie fabulous. This simple version can be made more elaborate with the addition of other cheeses, bacon, and even leftover vegetables, but the basic dish is a country favorite. Best with homemade phyllo (filo), it […]

Chicken Phyllo Pie – Kotopita

If you are bored with the same old chicken recipes, then you need to try Kotopita (koh-TOH-pee-tah). This is a savory pie made with a moist and flavorful chicken filling topped with flaky phyllo dough sheets and baked to a lovely golden brown. You can serve this as a lunch or dinner entree in larger wedges, […]

Honey Pie – Melopita

Part custard, part cheesecake, a Honey Pie orMelopita (meh-LOH-peeta) is so versatile that you will find yourself trying it many ways. You can make this like a pie with a bottom and/or top crust. You can try it as a tart as I make it. Or you can make it without a crust entirely as it […]

Artichoke and Leek Pie – Aginaropita

This recipe for Artichoke Pie or Aginaropita (ah-gee-nah-ROH-peetah) is a traditional favorite of the beautiful island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. You can make a full pan of the pita or use the filling to make individual finger-friendly phyllo triangles.Enjoy this recipe on its own as a light meal or pair it with an entrée as a side […]