Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes


Spanakopita is a cheese and spinach pie wrapped in phyllo. I think it’s a great first course or side dish. Serve it as a meatless entree with a green salad. Cook Time: 35 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes Ingredients: 1/4 cup water 1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach 2 teaspoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped scallion 2 cloves garlic, […]

Krouasan me Feta: Feta Croissants

In Greek: κρουασάν με φέτα, pronounced croo-ah-SAHN meh FEH-tah These delightful croissants are not sweet, and make a wonderful addition to the breakfast, brunch, buffet, or cocktail table. Use commercial croissant dough, or make your own for a light, delicious taste. Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 5 packages of croissant dough (8 croissants each) or […]

Omeleta me Kolokythakia: Zucchini Omelet

In Greek: ομελέτα με κολοκυθάκια (pronounced oh-meh-LEH-tah meh koh-loh-kee-THAHK-yah) This is a brunch, lunch or dinner omelet, traditionally served in summer as a light main dish, but it works any time of the year when zucchini is available. The tastes of zucchini, olive oil, and egg are a perfect fit. The recipe is flexible, but […]

Omeleta me Patates: Potato Omelet

In Greek: ομελέτα με πατάτες, pronounced oh-meh-LET-tah meh pah-TAH-tess A pie-like omelet, this is a great way to use leftover fried potatoes (just warm them in a little oil in a frying pan). Otherwise, make it with fresh fries and feta cheese, for a delicious meal. Add a crisp green salad, Greek olives, crusty bread […]

Omeleta me Sparaggia & Kolokythi: Asparagus and Zucchini Omelet

In Greek: ομελέτα με σπαράγγια και κολοκύθι, pronounced oh-meh-LEH-tah meh spah-RAHG-yah keh koh-loh-KEE-thee This fabulous omelet features fresh asparagus and winter squash or zucchini. It’s an easy and quick dish that’s perfect for brunch, a meze or a light meal. Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 5 eggs 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground […]