Whatever else is on your table as an appetizer or main meal, add a slice of feta cheese. Feta is the ultimate “table cheese,” meaning it can go on the table before you even start thinking about a meal, and stay there to accompany each course, even dessert fruits. This non-cook “recipe” puts an authentic […]
Search Results for: Cheese
Top 10 Quick and Easy Greek Appetizers
These hot and cold appetizers have four things in common: they’re Greek favorites, they’re delicious, prep time is 15 minutes or less, and (if hot) combined prep/cook time is 30 minutes or less. 1. A Slice of Feta This is the ultimate Greek touch to any table, whether you’re serving appetizers or a full meal. Total […]
What to Serve with Ouzo: Mezethes
Small dishes of foods are always served with ouzo and can range from simple to elaborate. Here are a few suggestions: Cold No-Cook Mezethes Nuts and dried fruit Lathovrekto (Greek Bruschetta) Olive Paste Taramosalata Tomato and feta salad Chunks of Greek cheese(graviera and feta, especially) Cucumber slices Olives Tomato slices Crusty bread, breadsticks, pita wedges Hot Mezethes Baked potatoes […]
Greek Bruschetta – Lathovrekhto
In Greek: λαδοβρεχτό, pronounced lah-thoh-vrekh-TOH The word lathovrekhto means “moistened with oil.” Rusks (paximathia, παξιμάδια, say: pahk-see-MAHTH-yah), which are twice-baked breads, or grilled country breads form the base of these simple mezethes or appetizers. I well remember, as a new bride in Greece, being offered a thick slab of grilled bread topped with fabulous extra […]
Spinach Pie with Feta – Spanakopita
Flaky phyllo sheets are layered with a savory spinach and feta cheese filling. Spanakopita can be made as a “pie” or pita, or as individual phyllo triangles. I always keep trays of uncooked spanakopita in the freezer as a handy appetizer or side dish for guests. It freezes very well and heats beautifully. This recipe […]
Keftethes – Recipe for Greek Meatballs
Keftethes(keh-FTEH-thes) are savory Greek meatballs that are served as an appetizer ormeze(meh-ZEH). The traditional recipe calls for frying the meatballs, but I’ve found that this baked version is quite good and a bit healthier.For the tastiest meatballs, prepare the ground meat mixture earlier in the day and allow it to sit in the refrigerator for […]
Favorite Greek Finger Foods
Greeks love to sit around a table of small plates of delicious food, sharing the food and good company. Here are some favorite dishes that require no utensils. Just grab and enjoy! Listed in alphabetical order. 1. 3-Cheese Eggplant Appetizer Rolls – Bourekakia Melitzanas A mixture of three delicious cheeses marks the filling for thin […]
Eggplant Dip with Walnuts – Melitzanosalata me Karythia
In Greek: μελιτζανοσαλάτα με καρύδια, pronounced meh-leed-zah-no-sah-LAH-tah meh kah-REETH-yah The combination of the walnuts and a little more vinegar than in other recipes for this fabulous dip give it a nice tart taste that goes wonderfully with wedges of pita bread, raw veggies, and salty cheeses. Ingredients: 4 1/2 pounds of large dark eggplant 3 […]
Melitzanosalata I: Eggplant Dip Appetizer with Tomato
In Greek: μελιτζανοσαλάτα, pronounced meh-leed-zah-no-sah-LAH-tah If you are a devoted fan of the traditional, cook the eggplant over a wood fire – or add wood chips to a charcoal grill and cook it for that deep, smoky taste. This version is easier and delivers a tasty result, and includes chopped tomatoes. Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: […]
Melitzanosalata II: Eggplant Dip Appetizer without Tomato
In Greek: μελιτζανοσαλάτα, pronounced meh-leed-zah-no-sah-LAH-tah I have friends who try to save time and make this in a blender or with a hand mixer, but it’s very easy as is and gives a much more authentic texture and taste when mixed by hand. The key to a great tasting result is a well-charred eggplant. If […]