Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Lamb’s intestines: Kokoretsi

Servings: 7 Ingredients 1-2 handful of kefalotiri cheese (grated goat cheese) 2.20 lbs of lamb entrails 2 lamb intestines 1 lemon, squeezed 2-3 of olive oil 1-2 pinches of oregano 1-2 pinches of pepper 2-3 pinches of salt Directions Turn the intestines inside out and wash thoroughly. Cut the entrails into small pieces and wash them […]

Kotopoulo Stifatho (Stifado): Chicken and Onion Stew

In Greek: κοτόπουλο στιφάδο, say: koh-TOH-poo-loh stee-FAH-thoh Stifatho dishes are generally known for including boiler and/or pearl onions, wine, and a tomato sauce, and this recipe is no exception. The wonderful combination of spices (cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves) makes this a vibrant stew. The optional addition of cheese adds even more depth. Chicken stifatho is commonly served with […]

Chicken Stew with Cinnamon – Chicken Kapama

This wonderful cinnamon-spiced chicken stew calledKapama (kah-pah-MAH) needs to simmer for at least an hour for the flavors to really develop. Serve it over pasta or orzo with a generous sprinkle of grated cheese and prepare to receive the compliments! As an added bonus, it will also fill your home with the most delightful cooking aromas. […]

Makaronia me Manitaria & Beikon: Baked Pasta with Mushrooms & Bacon

In Greek: μακαρόνια με μανιτάρια και μπεϊκον, say: mah-kah-ROHN-yah me mah-nee-TAH-reeyah kai bacon A delightful family meal, add a seasonal salad, bread, and a tart dish like easy marinated peppers for a delicious spread. A great make-ahead dish, this can be prepared the day before and refrigerated until time to bake. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 50 minutes […]

Pasta Sauce with Meat

Diana started with her Aunt Thekla’s recipe and changed it a bit according to taste. She writes, “As with any recipe you can alter how much more or less of any ingredient to add or subtract by taste.” While onion and cloves are part of many Greek sauce recipes, I was delighted to try the […]

The main herbs of Cyprus and their uses

Shinos – Σχίνος (Pistacia lentiscus) Arbaroriza – Kiouli – Scented pelargonium Marjoram Makes an excellent tea and is widely used as seasoning in cooking. Resembles oregano and combines perfectly with meat, fish and pasta dishes. It aids digestion, helps to lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, soothes the throat and is diuretic. Oregano The most popular […]