Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Arnaki Kleftiko: Bandit’s Lamb

In Greek: αρνάκι κλέφτικο, pronounced ahr-NAH-kee KLEF-tee-koh This recipe is an adaptation of a dish fixed in the mountains by guerillas (bandits) who needed to cook without being seen. They placed the meat on coals in a hole, covered it up, and let it cook for up to 24 hours. No trace of any stolen […]

Spanaki me Sparaggia Ograten: Spinach & Asparagus Bake

In Greek: σπανάκι με σπαράγγια ογκρατέν, pronounced spah-NAH-kee meh spah-RAHG-yah oh-grah-TEN Ograten (au gratin) dishes became part of the Greek cooking experience in the early 1900s, and this combination of fresh spinach and asparagus on a bed of grated potatoes, with cream and sharp cheese is a delicious example of this type of cooking. Serve as a […]

Kolokythakia Tiganita: Batter-fried Zucchini

In Greek: κολοκυθάκια τηγανητά, pronounced koh-loh-kee-THAHK-yah tee-ghah-nee-TAH The key to great crispy zucchini is to slice thinly and fry at high heat so the zucchini has time to cook but not absorb a lot of oil. Use a cheese slicer, mandoline, or long-bladed knife to get uniformly thin slices. Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 5 minutes Total Time: 25 minutes […]

Melitzanes Tiganites: Batter-Fried Eggplant

In Greek: μελιτζάνες τηγανητές, pronounced meh-leed-ZAH-nes tee-ghah-nee-TES Eggplant is notorious for absorbing as much olive oil as possible, so this recipe for a light and crispy appetizer or side dish, which calls for quick frying in hot oil, is a good choice since the eggplant doesn’t have enough time to get soggy with oil. Use […]

Patatosalata: Potato Salad

In Greek: πατατοσαλάτα, pronounced pah-tah-toh-sah-LAH-tah Lemon is a Greek favorite with potatoes, and this quick and easy potato salad relies on lemon to give it a touch of sharpness that goes so well with many main dishes. With whatever else is on the table, have some feta cheese nearby since potatoes and feta are a […]

Fassolakia me Kolokythakia: Stewed Green Beans and Zucchini

In Greek: φασολάκια με κολοκυθάκια, pronounced fah-so-LAHK-yah meh koh-loh-kee-THAHK-yah This recipe combines simple tastes to create a delicious side dish or meatless main dish. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 pound of fresh green beans (string, pole, snap) 3/4 pound of small zucchini 1 medium onion, diced 1 large tomato, puréeed 1/3 […]

Halloumi & Anari (Halloumi & Anari Making)

In our days Cyprus generally speaking, is praised for its Traditionaldairy products. Much more however it prides for their genuineness. In enough villages, until today is maintained with a lot of love and eagerness, the traditional manufacturing of their dairy products. Wherever a Cypriot citizen immigrated permanently, the fame of these products have reached there. […]