Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Omeleta me Sparaggia & Kolokythi: Asparagus and Zucchini Omelet

In Greek: ομελέτα με σπαράγγια και κολοκύθι, pronounced oh-meh-LEH-tah meh spah-RAHG-yah keh koh-loh-KEE-thee This fabulous omelet features fresh asparagus and winter squash or zucchini. It’s an easy and quick dish that’s perfect for brunch, a meze or a light meal. Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 5 eggs 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt 1/4 teaspoon of freshly ground […]

Melitzanes Tiganites: Batter-Fried Eggplant

In Greek: μελιτζάνες τηγανητές, pronounced meh-leed-ZAH-nes tee-ghah-nee-TES Eggplant is notorious for absorbing as much olive oil as possible, so this recipe for a light and crispy appetizer or side dish, which calls for quick frying in hot oil, is a good choice since the eggplant doesn’t have enough time to get soggy with oil. Use […]

What to Serve with Ouzo: Mezethes

Small dishes of foods are always served with ouzo and can range from simple to elaborate. Here are a few suggestions: Cold No-Cook Mezethes Nuts and dried fruit Lathovrekto (Greek Bruschetta) Olive Paste Taramosalata Tomato and feta salad Chunks of Greek cheese(graviera and feta, especially) Cucumber slices Olives Tomato slices Crusty bread, breadsticks, pita wedges Hot Mezethes Baked potatoes […]