Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Chicken Phyllo Pie – Kotopita

If you are bored with the same old chicken recipes, then you need to try Kotopita (koh-TOH-pee-tah). This is a savory pie made with a moist and flavorful chicken filling topped with flaky phyllo dough sheets and baked to a lovely golden brown. You can serve this as a lunch or dinner entree in larger wedges, […]

Honey Pie – Melopita

Part custard, part cheesecake, a Honey Pie orMelopita (meh-LOH-peeta) is so versatile that you will find yourself trying it many ways. You can make this like a pie with a bottom and/or top crust. You can try it as a tart as I make it. Or you can make it without a crust entirely as it […]

Artichoke and Leek Pie – Aginaropita

This recipe for Artichoke Pie or Aginaropita (ah-gee-nah-ROH-peetah) is a traditional favorite of the beautiful island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. You can make a full pan of the pita or use the filling to make individual finger-friendly phyllo triangles.Enjoy this recipe on its own as a light meal or pair it with an entrée as a side […]

Spanakopita Bites – Easy Spinach and Feta Cheese Appetizers

Spanakopita Bites are mini phyllo pastry shells filled with a delicious spinach and feta cheese filling. They are easy to prepare and can be a quick and easy alternative to rolling and wrapping individual phyllo triangles. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 50 minutes Yield: Approximately 45 pieces Ingredients: 1 lb. spinach, chopped (you can substitute frozen, thawed […]

Sarikopita: “Turban” Cheese Pie

In Greek: σαρικόπιτα, pronounced sah-ree-KOH-pee-tah Shaped like little turbans, these sharp-tasting cheese pies are a specialty on the island of Crete. They are best made with homemade phyllo dough rolled out to the thickness of 2-3 pieces of copier paper (or setting number 6 on a pasta machine), but in a pinch, can be made […]

Sfakianopites: Cheese Pies from Sfakia, Crete

In Greek: σφακιανόπιτες, pronounced sfah-kiyah-NO-pee-tes It is customary in Greece for local dishes to be given the name of the area or region where they originated; thus, sfakianopites are named for Sfakia, a lovely area of Crete. These cheese pies, made with ouzo, can be served as a meze with ouzo, raki, or tsikoudia (local spirits), as […]