Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Fresh Cheese Pie with Fennel from Kalavryta

MYZITHROPITA KALAVRYTON This dish calls for local myzithra, a fresh whey cheese made from the residuals of feta production. It is possible to find fresh myzithra in Greek food shops across America. It has the consistency of fresh farmer’s cheese or good ricotta, which can easily be substituted. The original recipe also calls for wild fennel. I have reworked it to […]

Halloumi Cheese in Batter

Ingredients: halloumi cheese 2 cups oil 100gr flour 0.5 tsp baking powder Salt 180gr water or milk 1 egg (Serves 4) Preparation: Cut the halloumi into thick slices. Make batter with flour, baking powder, salt, water or milk and eggs. Dip the halloumi first in the flour and then in the batter and fry in […]

Cheese and flour cake Byzantine Recipe

Original recipe: al-Andalusi no. 79 p. C-2 (Good) Knead the necessary quantity of flour, one time with water, another with oil, and to it add yeast and milk until it has the same consistency as the dough of fritters, and leave it until it has next risen. Next grease with oil a large earthen pot, stretch in […]