In Greek: κουλουράκια ούζου, say: koo-loo-RAHK-yah OO-zoo The flavor of these cookies is Greece. The flavor of the ouzo is intensified with the addition of ground anise and coriander to create a taste that works as an appetizer, snack, or dessert. The cookies are made with olive oil, a Greek tradition as well. Cook Time: 30 minutes […]
Search Results for: coriander
Greek Recipes for Cookies & Biscotti
Recipes for Greek cookies include delicious voutimata (biscotti dunking cookies), sugary holiday confections, and those made with fabulous combinations of spices and nuts. Koulourakia – Greek Butter Cookies with Sesame The name for Koulourakia comes from their round twisted shape but you will also see them shaped as small braids or in the shape of the letter […]