Freshly made dips taste great, but sometimes, after they’ve been refrigerated to chill or stored for a short while, the taste seems to change. Whether you’re making dips ahead of time or storing some leftovers, here are some tips to make sure your dips always taste their best. Aerate Dips and spreads made with sharp […]
Search Results for: dip
Greek Tomato Dip
Ingredients: 2-3 large ripped tomato grated 2-3 cloves of garlic or to taste Olive oil Oregano Finely chopped parsley Salt and pepper to taste Method: Grate the tomatoes and place them in a fine strainer to strain the excess liquid. Add some salt over the grated tomatoes, stir and wait for a few minutes until […]
White Sals (Walnut Dip) Byzantine Recipe
(A Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks, Vol. 2, pg. Misc-3. It is one of the three recipes translated from Kitab al-Tabikh (The Book of Dishes): Oriental 5000 (British Library) pp.70b, 71a, 74b.) White sals. Walnut meats, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, white mustard, Tahini and lemon juice. Ingredients: 1 c. walnuts 2 (or 1 very large) cloves garlic […]
Buran (Meatballs in a Yogurt and Eggplant Dip) Byzantine recipe
al-Baghdadi p. 191/8 (GOOD) Take eggplant, and boil lightly in water and salt, then take out and dry for an hour. Fry this in fresh sesame-oil until cooked: peel, put into a dish or a large cup, and beat well with a ladle, until it becomes like kabis. Add a little salt and dry coriander. Take some […]
Tahini dip
Extremely appetising and refreshing, this can be served with hot pitta or bread to be dipped in. It is a very Cypriot dish which is also offered along with kebabs, or with mezze. Preparation time: 10 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients: 5 tablespoons Tahini paste 150 ml (1/4 pint) warm water 1-2 cloves of garlic 6 […]
Bombes / Touloumbes (Piped Cakes Dipped in Syrup)
Ingredients: 1 kilo of potatoes 3 3/4 cups of liquid the potatoes were boiled in 1 kilo of all purpose flour 1 cup of soft flour 2 sachets of yeast (7gr each) Pinch of salt (1/8 of a tsp) Corn oil for frying Syrup ingredients: 3 cups of water 6 cups of sugar 2 tsp […]
Kypriakes Pishies (Pastries Dipped in Syrup)
Ingredients for the pastry: 6 cups of hard flour 1 cup of soft flour 1 1/2 cup of water or as much as needed 3/4 cup of melted vegetable shortening 1/2 a tsp of salt Ingredients for syrup: 4 cups of sugar 2 cups of water 1 cinnamon stick 2-3 cloves 4 tsp of orange […]
Taramosalata (Fish Roe Dip)
Taramosalata is an appetizer that can be eaten with bread as a dip or as a spread. Will be found in every Greek house and restaurant and now you can do it your self by following the simple instructions. Ingredients: 1 cup of olive Oil 1 finely chopped onion 250g Tarama (Fish Eggs) 1 1/2 cup […]
Houmous (Chick Pea Dip)
Ingredients: 3 cups of chick peas 1 cup of tachini 1/2 a cup of olive oil 1/2 a cup of lemon juice 4-5 cloves of garlic grated 1/2 a tsp of red hot pepper Finely chopped parsley Black Kalamata olives Salt to taste Method: – Place chick peas in a deep bowl or a pot […]
Touloubakia: Syrup-Dipped Fried Cakes
In Greek: τουλουμπάκια, pronounced too-loo-BAH-kee-yah These small sweet fried cakes can be made in a larger size (around 5-6 inches long) and are known as touloubes (touloumbes). The -akia suffix means “small” and since these are fairly heavy and sweet, I prefer the smaller version. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 7 tablespoons of unsalted butter […]