In Greek: τυροκαυτερή, pronounced tee-roh-kahf-teh-REE A specialty of the region of Thrace in northeastern Greece, this dip is served all over Greece – in varying degrees of heat. My family likes this one hot, so I use jalapeno peppers that make my eyes water just from touching them. This recipe works with red and green […]
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Taramosalata (Taramasalata) – Carp Roe Spread
The Greek meze (meh-ZEH) or appetizer table would not be complete without this traditional spread. When I was young, my Grandmother would make taramosalata (tah-rah-moh-sah-LAH-tah) in an old wooden mortar called a gouthi (goo-THEE). She would pound the roe thoroughly with a large wooden pestle in order to break the eggs down and allow their […]