Greek name and pronunciation: Faskomilo, φασκόμηλο, pronounced fahs-KOH-mee-lo At the market: Sage is available as fresh or dried leaves. Dried sage is usually available in either coarse ground or powder form. Buy fresh sage that is strongly scented. Refrigerate wrapped in a paper towel in a sealable plastic bag, to keep usable for up to […]
Search Results for: greek bread
Rosemary – Dentrolivano Herb
Greek name and pronunciation: Thendrolivano, δεντρολίβανο, pronounced then-droh-LEE-vah-no (hard th sound) At the market: Dried rosemary is usually packaged in disposable containers or sprinkle-pour bottles. Fresh bunches of rosemary may be available during its growing season, when the weather is warm. Rosemary does well in a kitchen herb garden. Physical characteristics: Rosemary is a member […]
Marjoram – Mantzourana Herb
Greek name and pronunciation: Mantzourana, μαντζουράνα, pronounced mahnd-zoo-RAH-nah, also spelled matzourana (ματζουράνα), and pronounced mahd-zoo-RAH-nah At the market: Marjoram is usually available as whole dried leaves and floral parts, and in powdered form. Fresh marjoram is sometimes available at green grocers. If you have space in your kitchen, in your garden, on a window sill, […]
Dill – anithos Herb
Greek name and pronunciation: Anithos, άνιθος, pronounced AH-nee-thohs (soft th sound, rhymes with “dose”) At the market: Dill is sold as fresh cuttings (sprigs) bundled into convenient amounts, in sprinkle-pour bottles of dill weed (dried leaves), and in sprinkle-pour bottles of dill seeds. Physical characteristics: The dill plant grows to a height of 8-30 inches. […]
Marinated Mixed Olives
This is a nice way to serve olives. The marinade is a delicious and colorful combination. It’s served as a “mezé,” which in Greek means something to nibble on: An appetizer to be served with an aperitif before dinner. Ingredients: 1 cup Kalamata olives 1/2 cup oil cured olives 1/2 cup green olives Zest of 2 lemons 1 tablespoon […]
Walnut brittle in Seville orange leaves Byzantine Recipe
Pastelli se fylla nerantzias Ingredients: 2 cups coarsely ground walnuts 1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs or finely crushed rusks 1 cup premium quality Greek honey 1/2 cup sugar orange flower or rose water sesame seeds, toasted Seville orange leaves Method: Combine the walnuts with the breadcrumbs. Prepare a slab of marble (or a rectangular pan 25×30 […]
Byzantine cuisine – Wild greens and vegetables
Due to fasting, the Byzantines incorporated fresh vegetables and wild greens in their meals much more often than the ancient Greeks, although the varieties consumed in both historic periods did not vary considerably. Compared with the modern age, fresh vegetables and wild greens were given different names and varied in their cooking method; for these […]
Byzantine cuisine – Cereals
Egypt had always been the chief grain supplier to the great empires of thr Eastern Mediterranean, both the Byzantine and Roman. When Egypt fell into the hands of the Arabs at the turn of the 7th century BC, the plains of Thrace took its place as the chief source of grain for the region. In […]
Khushkananaj (Almond Cake) Byzantine Recipe
Original Recipe: al-Baghdadi p. 212/14 Take fine white flour, and with every ratl mix three uqiya of sesame-oil (one part oil to four of flour), kneading into a firm paste. Leave to rise; then make into long loaves. Put into the middle of each loaf a suitable quantity of ground almonds and scented sugar mixed with rose water, […]
Hais (Date Kabobs) Byzantine Recipe
Original Recipe (al-Baghdadi p. 214/14) Take fine dry bread, or biscuit, and grind up well. Take a ratl of this, and three quarters of a ratl of fresh or preserved dates with the stones removed, together with three uqiya of ground almonds and pistachios. Knead all together very well with the hands. Refine two uqiya of sesame-oil, and […]