Greek name and pronunciation: zafora or safrani, ζαφορά or σαφράνι, pronounced zah-for-AH or sah-FRAH-nee At the market: Saffron is sold in small packs of threads or in powdered form. Physical characteristics: Dried saffron threads range from orange-red to yellow, are between 1″ – 1.5″ long, and are shaped like pieces of very thin and cooked […]
Search Results for: greek side
Cumin – Kymino
Greek name and pronunciation: kymino, κύμινο, pronounced KEE-mee-no At the market: Ground cumin is the form most widely used, and is available in sprinkle-pour spice containers. Physical characterisitcs: Ground cumin is a yellowish-brown color with a strong (not hot) taste and aroma. The cumin plant prefers a warm and humid climate, and grows 6 to […]
Coriander – Coliandros
Greek name and pronunciation: Colianthro, κολίανδρο, pronounced koh-LEE-ahn-throh (hard th, rhymes with “dough”) At the market: Coriander seeds are available in sealed packs. Pour-and-shake containers of ground coriander are sometimes available, but it is recommended to buy the seeds and grind them yourself. Physical characteristics: When these rounded seeds are crushed with a mortar and […]
Anise – Glikanisos
Greek name and pronunciation: Glykaniso, γλυκάνισο, pronounced glee-KAH-nee-so At the market: Dried and ground anise seed are usually available in small disposable bags or in sprinkle-pour bottles. Physical characteristics: Originally from Asia and North Africa, the anise plant grows to between 19.5 and 31.5 inches tall, with leaves that originate at the base of the […]
Make Your Own Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Domates Liastes In Greek: λιαστές ντομάτες, say: lee-ah-STES doh-MAH-tes Sun-dried tomatoes can be pretty pricey at the market, but they’re easy to make at home. The way they are made in many traditional Greek homes takes some time, but the result is fabulous. Don’t use big meaty tomatoes for this process – instead, look for […]
How To Make Raisins from Grapes
Grapes abound in Greece, and when we harvest our own, we always set aside some to dry so that we have raisins all during the year. It isn’t difficult, and the raisins keep well in airtight glass or plastic containers and even in plastic bags. Use red or green seedless grapes. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3-4 weeks […]
How to Roll Out Phyllo with a Rolling Pin
1) Start with a piece of dough The rolling pin shown in this series of photos is the traditional rolling pin used to roll out very large sheets of thin phyllo for all kinds of pastries. It is 3 feet, 4 inches long, and 1 inch in diameter. If using homemade phyllo, start with a […]
Country Phyllo Crust for Pan-Sized Pies
Phyllo yia Pites In Greek: φύλλο για πίτες, pronounced FEE-loh yah PEE-tes This recipe for phyllo is perfect for making country pies. It’s rolled out with a rolling pin, which is slightly different than using a pasta machine. The quantity is for a large pan commonly used in Greece, similar in size to a large […]
How To Make Your Own Dried Mint
Drying mint by hanging it for natural air-drying is something not all of us can do, but there is another method that offers good results: in the oven. This method can be used to make mint flakes or dried leaves. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 2-4 hours Here’s How: Wash the mint thoroughtly and carefully in cold water […]
How To Make Your Own Confectioner’s Sugar (Powdered Sugar)
Whether you run out, or just need a cup or two, making confectioner’s sugar is a simple matter in the blender. This method can be used to make larger quantities, but it is a real time-saver for last-minute needs. Confectioner’s sugar is also known as “powdered sugar” and “icing sugar.” Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 15 minutes Here’s […]