Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Avem (Olive-stuffed Birds) Byzantine Recipe

Original Recipe Avem: Apicius, #231 Another recipe for birds: Stuff the stomach with crushed fresh olives, sew up, and boil thus.Then remove the cooked olives. [Giacosa, p. 112] Ingredients: One whole chicken OR eight pieces of cut up chicken 3/4 – 1 cup assorted Greek olives, crushed olive oil salt (optional) Preparation Steps Wash chicken. […]

Lucanian Sausages (Apicius) Byzantine Recipe

Original Recipe: Apicius, #61: Lucanicae: … Teritur piper, cuminum, satureia, ruta, petroselinum, condimentum, bacae lauri, liquamen, et admiscetur pulpa bene tunas ita ut denuo bene cum ipso subtrito fricetur. Cum liquamine admixto, pipere integro et abundanti pinguedine et nucleis incies in intestinum perquam tenuatim perductum, et sic ad fumum suspenditur. Translation: [Lucanian Sausages: … Pepper is ground with […]

Baaridah Byzantine recipe

Serves two. A baaridah was a cold meat or vegetable dish served before the hot dishes. Following pre-Islamic Iranian tradition, when a baaridah was made with fowl, it was usually a sort of chopped cucumber salad garnished with the roast meat. Some recipes call for only the seeds of cucumbers, which makes for a luxurious, slippery texture. […]

Island Soup – Soupa nisiotiki

Summary Island Soup. A hearty seafood ensemble. Servings: 10 Ingredients 2 bay leaves 1 medium carrot, grated 1/2 cup of selery (stalks), diced fine 2 dozen of clams, with liquid 1 lb of crabmeat 1 clove of garlic, crushed 2 lbs of haddock’s fillet, cut in 2″ pieces 1/2 cup of light olive oil 1 large, […]

Kolokassi kapama Recipe

Jerusalem kappama kolokassi kapama is a traditional cyprus dish Ingredients: 1 kg of pork or lamb pieces in a moderate 2 roots in Jerusalem cut fettes 1 glass red wine 1 / 2 cup water oil salt, pepper 1 bay leaf (optional) Method: cook meat. cook the slices from Jerusalem. We have both back in […]