Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Hoirino meh Prasa: Pork, Fennel, and Leek Ragout

In Greek: χοιρινό με πράσα, pronounced hee-ree-NO meh PRAH-sah Use the pressure cooker for this one. Pork and leeks taste great together and the fennel adds just the right touch. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Total Time: 2 hours Ingredients: 4 1/2 pounds of pork shoulder, cut into 3-inch chunks 1 1/3 cups of olive oil 2 […]

Hoirino me Selinoriza: Pork & Celery Root Stew

In Greek: χοιρινό με σελινόριζα, pronounced hee-ree-NO meh seh-lee-NO-ree- zah A favorite winter dish combining root vegetables – celery root, carrots, potatoes, and onions – this stew is easy to make and a great one-pot meal. The recipe calls for pork, celery root, potatoes, onion, carrots, dill, and celery. Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Ingredients: […]

Hoirino me Fassolia: Pork and Beans

In Greek: χοιρινό με φασσόλια, pronounced hee-ree-NO meh fahs-SOL-yah This Greek recipe for Pork and Beans is one that reflects a traditional method of cooking: meat and vegetables are prepared separately on the stovetop, then combined and cooked in the oven until the tastes meld. Any type of dried bean works well but, as the […]

Agriogourouno Kokkinisto: Wild Boar in Red Sauce

In Greek: αγριογούρουνο κοκκινιστό pronounced ah-ghree-oh-GHOO-roo-no koh-kee-nee-STOH Wild boar meat is generally lean and, once soaked to remove the gamy flavor, is delicious – and can be very tender. I’ve made this dish many, many times, and each time, I’m surprised by how wonderful boar meat tastes in this variation of a traditional tomato-and-oil-based (kokkinisto) […]

Colocasia roots with chicken

Serves 4-6 Ingredients:  1 kg chicken -jointed 1 kg  colocasia 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 medium onion -skinned and finely chopped 4 sticks of celery -cut into thick slices 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 litre chicken stock Seasoning Prepraration: Put the cooking oil and the olive oil into a large saucepan […]

Spanaki me Sparaggia Ograten: Spinach & Asparagus Bake

In Greek: σπανάκι με σπαράγγια ογκρατέν, pronounced spah-NAH-kee meh spah-RAHG-yah oh-grah-TEN Ograten (au gratin) dishes became part of the Greek cooking experience in the early 1900s, and this combination of fresh spinach and asparagus on a bed of grated potatoes, with cream and sharp cheese is a delicious example of this type of cooking. Serve as a […]

Fassolakia me Kolokythakia: Stewed Green Beans and Zucchini

In Greek: φασολάκια με κολοκυθάκια, pronounced fah-so-LAHK-yah meh koh-loh-kee-THAHK-yah This recipe combines simple tastes to create a delicious side dish or meatless main dish. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 pound of fresh green beans (string, pole, snap) 3/4 pound of small zucchini 1 medium onion, diced 1 large tomato, puréeed 1/3 […]

Vegetables & Pulse Greek recipes

Boiled/Stewed Veggie Sides Stewed Green Beans and Zucchini Lahano Katsarolas: Stewed Cabbage with Mint Hortarika sto Fourno: Oven-Stewed Mixed Vegetables Horta me Kolokythakia: Greens with Baby Zucchini Arakas me Anitho: Dilled Peas with Peppers Arakas me Aginares: Dilled Peas with Artichoke Hearts Creamed Mixed Greens with Smoked Bacon & Yogurt Broccoli with Latholemono (Oil and […]

Rabbit with Creamy Garlic Sauce (Peloponessos)

KOUNELI SKORDALIA Ingredients: 1 rabbit, about 21⁄2 pounds, cut into serving pieces Red wine vinegar Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 cup tomato paste diluted with  1/2 cup water 1 cinnamon stick 1/2 teaspoon whole cloves For the garlic sauce: Three 1-inch-thick slices stale rustic bread,crusts removed 1⁄2 […]