Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Sfakianopites: Cheese Pies from Sfakia, Crete

In Greek: σφακιανόπιτες, pronounced sfah-kiyah-NO-pee-tes It is customary in Greece for local dishes to be given the name of the area or region where they originated; thus, sfakianopites are named for Sfakia, a lovely area of Crete. These cheese pies, made with ouzo, can be served as a meze with ouzo, raki, or tsikoudia (local spirits), as […]

Koulourakia Lathera me Sousami: Sesame Cookies Made with Olive Oil

n Greek: κουλουράκια λαδερά με σουσάμι, pronounced koo-loo-RAHK-yah me soo-SAH-mee Koulourakia can be formed into many shapes. These small sesame-coated cookies are generally made in small oval shapes and rings. The cookie dough is softer and oilier than many other recipes, and the end result is a crispy, delicious cookie. Other recipes call for up to 3 […]

Koulourakia – Greek Butter Cookies with Sesame

A “kouloura” (koo-LOU-rah) in Greek is a round twist. The name for these traditional butter cookies comes from their round twisted shape but you will also see Koulourakia as small braids or in the shape of the letter “S.” Koulourakia are delicious dunked in coffee or milk and are the traditional Easter cookie. Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook […]

Moustokouloura: Grape Molasses Cookies

In Greek: μουστοκούλουρα, say: moo-stoh-KOO-loo-rah This recipe for Grape Molasses Cookies is made withpetimezi – a sweetener that dates back to the Bronze Age. Buy it or make it at home to create these delicious cookies that are made with olive oil and no butter, eggs, or milk. The recipe makes 25-35 cookies, depending on the size. Prep […]

Koulourakia Christouyennon: Christmas Sesame Cookie Rings

In Greek: κουλουράκια Χριστουγέννων, pronounced koo-loo-RAHK-yahkhree-stoo-YEH-non These wreath-shaped yeast sesame cookie rings are made once a year in certain areas of the Greek island of Crete: at Christmas. The cookies are made with the traditional Christmas tastes of cinnamon, cloves, and orange, and they contain no dairy products or eggs. Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: […]

Koulourakia – Greek Butter Cookies with Sesame

A “kouloura” (koo-LOU-rah) in Greek is a round twist. The name for these traditional butter cookies comes from their round twisted shape but you will also see Koulourakia as small braids or in the shape of the letter “S.” Koulourakia are delicious dunked in coffee or milk and are the traditional Easter cookie. Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook […]

Petimezopita: Grape Molasses Spice Cake

In Greek: πετιμεζόπιτα, say: peh-tee-meh-ZOH-peetah The recipe for petimezi, a molasses-like syrup made with grapes, dates back to the Bronze Age. Petimezican also be made from grape must, and may also be available in Greek markets. It gives a unique flavor to this spice cake which tastes like a cross between carrot cake and gingerbread. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook […]

Petimezopita: Grape Molasses Spice Cake

In Greek: πετιμεζόπιτα, say: peh-tee-meh-ZOH-peetah The recipe for petimezi, a molasses-like syrup made with grapes, dates back to the Bronze Age. Petimezican also be made from grape must, and may also be available in Greek markets. It gives a unique flavor to this spice cake which tastes like a cross between carrot cake and gingerbread. Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook […]