Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Sugared Cookies with Almonds & Cinnamon

Kourabiethes me Amygthala & Kanela In Greek: κουραμπιέδες με αμύγδαλα και κανέλα, say: koo-rahb-YEH-thes meh ah-MEEGH-thah-lah keh kah-NEH-lah Kourabiethes are celebration cookies: they are prepared at Christmas, baptisms, and weddings. This recipe for these shortbread-type cookies is packed with toasted almonds, includes the taste of cinnamon, and calls for the traditional coating of lots of confectioner’s […]

How to Boil Water

It may sound like a no-brainer but boiling water to make various dishes isn’t always as simple as it may seem. Here are tips to make sure that boiling water is perfect for that Greek recipe you’re planning to cook. The two basic “boils” Although water boils at 212°F and only then is it a […]

How To Crumble Feta

Feta cheese can range from soft to hard, and trying to crumble it for salads and toppings can result in mashing it instead. Here’s the easiest way to crumble it. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: none Here’s How: If you have a block of feta, cut a slice in the amount you want to crumble. Otherwise, just start […]

What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat

Question: What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat? Answer:The foods of ancient Greece were similar to foods we eat today, but did not include many that have become important parts of modern Greek cooking. For example, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and bananas didn’t arrive in Greece until after the discovery of the Americas in the 15th century, because […]

Greek Easter Bread – Tsoureki

Tsoureki (tsoo-REH-kee)is the traditional bread of Greek Easter. Tsoureki is a rich yeast bread flavored with orange and a delightful spice called Mahlab (also called Mahlepi) that is ground from the pits of wild cherries. You can find Mahlab online or at ethnic grocery stores specializing in Greek or Middle Eastern products. Every family has their own […]

Pumpkin Bread – Psomi me Kolokitha

This recipe for pumpkin bread is unlike one you may have tried before. Most pumpkin breads are more like sweet cake than bread. This recipe makes a traditional loaf of bread that’s slightly sweet and absolutely wonderful toasted and served with jam or preserves. You will need a cup of pumpkin puree to make the […]