Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Stuffed Turkey (or Capon) – Galopoula Yemisti

In Greek: galopoula yemisti, γαλοπούλα γεμιστή (pronounced ghah-loh-POO-lah yeh-mee-STEE) Although the oldest traditions of Greece call for lamb, goat, or pork at the holidays, all roasted meats and poultry are commonly served. This stuffed turkey (or capon) has become a favorite with modern-day Greek cooks. Prep Time: 40 minutes Cook Time: 3 hours, 30 minutes Total Time: 4 hours, 10 minutes Ingredients: 8-9 […]

Roasted Lemon Garlic Chicken with Potatoes – Kotopoulo Fournou

In Greek: κοτόπουλο φούρνου, pronounced koh-TOH-poo-loh FOOR-noo Easy to make and delicious, the combination of oregano, garlic, and lemon juice marks this as a Greek classic. Cook Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Total Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Ingredients: 1 chicken, approx. 3 1/2 pounds, cut in half 3 1/4 pounds of potatoes, peeled, quartered juice of 2 medium lemons sea […]

Stuffed Chicken with Potatoes – Kotopoulo Yemisto

In Greek: κοτόπουλο γεμιστό, pronounced koh-TOH-poo-loh yeh-mee-STOH A sharp cheese, green pepper, and garlic make a terrific stuffing. This is a great one-dish meal and a pretty one as well. Cook Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Total Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes Ingredients: 1 whole chicken, approx. 3 1/2 pounds 3 1/4 pounds of potatoes (and sweet potatoes, optional), peeled, quartered […]

Quail with Baby Okra – Ortikia me Bamies

In Greek: ορτύκια με μπάμιες, say: or-TEEK-yah meh BAHM-yes Quail are popular game birds in Greek cooking, and this delightful recipe combines favorite tastes of tomatoes, onion, garlic, parsley, and baby okra. This recipe is particularly pretty when served due, in large part, to the size of the baby okra and boiler onions. No quail […]

Oregano Chicken – Kotopoulo Riganato

In Greek: κοτόπουλο ριγανάτο, say: koh-TOH-poo-loh ree-ghah-NAH-toh This is my favorite recipe for oregano chicken. It involves three steps: brining, browning, and boiling, and is worth every minute of prep time. The resulting chicken – stewed with onion, lemon juice, olive oil, and plenty of oregano, is delicious and falling-off-the-bone tender. Prep Time: 4 hours Cook Time: 1 hour, […]