Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Crusty Greek Country Bread – Horiatiko Psomi

In Greek: χωριάτικο ψωμί, pronounced hoh-ree-AH-tee-koh psoh-MEE In villages around Greece, this classic bread is still baked in outdoor wood-burning ovens. This bread is more dense than other types of bread (the loaf at right measures about 13 inches across and weighs a little more than 2 pounds) and can be made with a variety […]

Potato Ragout – Patates Yiahni

In Greek: πατάτες γιαχνί, pronounced pah-TAH-tes yahk-NEE This meatless main dish is simple and easy, and a favorite for those cold, blustery days. Serve with crusty bread for the sauce and a side of feta cheese. Add a seasonal salad for a more substantial meal. Cook Time: 40 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: 2/3 cup of olive oil 2 medium onions, diced 3-4 […]

Mushroom & Onion Stew – Stifatho (Stifado) me Manitaria

In Greek: στιφάδο με μανιτάρια, say: stee-FAH-thoh meh mah-nee-TAH-reeyah Greek stifatho dishes are known as stews made with a lot of onions, a tomato-based sauce, and often with the taste of cinnamon for good measure. While the best known stifatho dishes may include meat, poultry, or seafood, this mushroom stew recipe is a favorite as well, especially during periods […]

Vegetarian (Meatless) Moussaka Recipe

Moussaka (moo-sah-KAH) is perhaps the most widely recognized Greek dish. This recipe is a result of tinkering with the traditional ingredients to make a lighter, vegetarian moussaka recipe. I wouldn’t recommend trying to whip this up on a busy weeknight as it is still quite time consuming. When you have the time to devote to prepping […]

Fried Yigandes (Gigantes) Beans – Yigandes Tiganitoi

In Greek: γίγαντες τηγανητοί, say: YEE-ghan-des tee-ghah-nee-TEE Yigandes (also spelled “gigantes”) are giant dried beans and are favorites in all areas of Greece. If you can’t find them, use the largest dried lima beans you can find. This delightful dish is a favorite with Greeks during periods of fasting and Lent, and is often served with taramosalata (a delicioius dip […]

Dilled Peas with Potatoes – Arakas me Patates

In Greek: αρακάς με πατάτες, pronounced ah-rah-KAS meh pah-TAH-tes Peas with dill are a fabulous taste combination, and this recipe adds potatoes and a touch of lemon for a light main dish or vegetable side. Fresh peas can be substituted for the frozen, but not canned. Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1 large bunch of […]

Eggplant with Tomatoes and Feta

Eggplant with Tomatoes and Feta cheese is a delicious alternative to the heavier Eggplant Parmesan and makes a wonderful vegetarian entrée or side dish. It’s especially delicious when tomatoes are in season but will work just fine with canned tomatoes. If you are trying to avoid fried foods, you can modify the recipe by roasting […]