Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Baked Zucchini with Mint – Kolokythakia me Dyosmo

In Greek: κολοκυθάκια με δυόσμο pronounced koh-loh-kee-THAH-keeyah meh thee-OHZ-moh The two-step process of first lightly frying the zucchini then baking it with added ingredients is often found in Greek zucchini recipes as it softens the zucchini and gives it an opportunity to absorb some of the olive oil. Like many Greek vegetable dishes, this can […]

Fava Bean Stew – Koukia Yahnista or Yahni

Fava Beans or Broad beans are known as Koukia(koo-KYAH) in Greek. They are delicious preparedyahnista (yach-nee-STAH) or yahni (yach-NEE) which means they are stewed with tomatoes and onions and spices. Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 2 hours Yield: 6 – 8 servings Ingredients: 1 lb. dried Fava beans, soaked overnight (see Note) 1/2 cup olive oil 1 large or 2 medium […]

Custard-Filled Phyllo Rollups – Galaktoboureko Rolla

In Greek: γαλακτομπούρεκο ρολλά, pronounced gah-lahk-toh-BOO-reh-koh roh-LAH Galaktoboureko is a favorite dessert, and these individual servings are made with the same delicious custard filling rolled up into neat packets made with phyllo pastry sheets. Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: For the syrup: 2 cups of sugar 2 cups of water 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 1-2 […]

Rolled Baklava – Baklavas Rolo

In Greek: μπακλαβάς ρολό, pronounced bahk-lah-VAHSS ro-LO I encourage you to try this if you’ve been hesitant about using phyllo dough. The recipe includes expanded directions and tips, but if this is your first time working with phyllo and you haven’t read the Beginner’s Guide to Phyllo, you might want to check it out. Cook Time: 1 hour, […]

Beginner’s Guide to Phyllo

Phyllo (in Greek: φύλλο, pronounced FEE-lo), also spelled “filo,” is most often used to describe wafer-thin sheets of dough that are used to make some of the most delicious pastries and savory pies in the world. However, phyllo has gotten a reputation as being hard to use, or too delicate, with the result that many […]

Gastrin – Ancient Version of Baklava

In Greek: γάστριν, pronounced GHAHS-treen Sesame seeds, pepper, and poppy seeds are only some of the unusual ingredients in this ancient recipe. Petimezi (a sweetener made from grapes), used long before sugar arrived in Greece, adds to the unique taste. If you’re hooked on the Ancients, give this recipe a try. Note that sugar is used in this syrup, […]

Baked Stuffed Apples – Mila Psita sto Fourno

In Greek: μήλα ψητά στο φούρνο, pronounced MEE-lah psee-TAH stoh FOOR-no This is a favorite cold weather dessert, using red apples. Once the apple is cored, the walnut stuffing goes in. Cinnamon and cloves add traditional tastes. Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 14 Gala or Braeburn apples 1/2 pound of coarsely chopped walnuts 4 tablespoons […]

Yogurt Sauce or Dressing – Saltsa Giaourtiou

In Greek: σάλτσα γιαουρτιού, pronounced SAHLT-sah yee-ah-oort-YOU This is a delightful sauce that is delicious on baked potatoes, and it doubles as a salad dressing. Use it on sandwiches, pita wraps, or wherever your imagination takes you. Ingredients: 16 ounces of thick strained yogurt * 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 teaspoon of salt 1/2 […]

Tzatziki with Carrots

In Greek: τζατζίκι, pronounced dzahd-ZEE-kee One of my friends here in Greece has always madetzatziki with carrots. The carrots don’t make a marked change on the overall taste, but they do add a delightful crunch and they add bulk to tzatziki to make it go further – a frugal choice. Use it as a dip for veggies, and […]