There were many foods and beverages consumed in ancient Greece that we might not be anxious to try today, like cheese and garlic added to wine, but no more unusual than at least one of the foods that were considered to be aphrodisiacs. When we think of bulbs, the first thing that comes to mind […]
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Cod with Raisins – Bakaliaros me Stafida
A specialthy of the coastal city of Kalamata. This dish consists of the rather unusual combination of cod and raisins and is a specialty of the Greek coastal city of Kalamata in the Southern Peloponnese. This dish is quite easy to make and is an excellent mid-week, comfort meal. Ingredients: 1/2 kg of cod (salted, […]
Vanilla – Vanilia
Greek name and pronunciation: vanilia, βανίλια, pronounced vah-NEEL-yah At the market: Vanilla extract is usually sold as a liquid derived from soaking vanilla beans in alcohol. In Greece, and in specialty stores and large markets, vanilla is sold as an alcohol-free powder in airtight vials. Vanilla beans (pods) are sometimes available. Physical characteristics: Vanilla seed […]
Sumac – Soumaki
Greek name and pronunciation: Σουμάκι, pronounced soo-MAH-kee At the market: Sumac is usually sold as a coarsely ground powder, perhaps called “powdered culinary sumac,” and can also be found in berry form. It can be found at Greek and Middle Eastern markets. Physical characteristics: Sumac is a shrub which grows wild in the Mediterranean region, […]
Saffron – Safora or Safrani
Greek name and pronunciation: zafora or safrani, ζαφορά or σαφράνι, pronounced zah-for-AH or sah-FRAH-nee At the market: Saffron is sold in small packs of threads or in powdered form. Physical characteristics: Dried saffron threads range from orange-red to yellow, are between 1″ – 1.5″ long, and are shaped like pieces of very thin and cooked […]
Pepper – Piperi
Greek name and pronunciation: Piperi, πιπέρι, pronounced pee-PEH-ree At the market: Black and white peppercorns and ground pepper are usually readily available at the market. Green peppercorns, packed in brine or freeze-dried, are generally available as well. Physical characteristics: Pepper is a vine that produces clusters of berries which look like a foot-long length of […]
Mustard Powder – Moustarda skoni
Greek name and pronunciation: moustartha skoni, μουστάρδα σκόνη, pronounced moo-STAR-thah skoh-nee At the market: Powdered mustard is usually available in small sprinkle-pour spice containers. Physical characteristics: When first milled or ground, mustard flour looks and tastes as bland and white as cornstarch. Ground mustard has no aroma or flavor until liquid is added. In powdered […]
Mastic – Mastiha
Definition: In Greek: μαστίχα Mastiha starts as a semi-transparent sap from lentisk trees (actually evergreen bushes) found only in certain areas of the Greek island of Chios. As resinous granules, it was the original chewing gum, and the name “mastiha” is the root word of “masticate,” meaning “to chew.” At the market, look for “mastiha,” […]
Mahlab – Mahlepi
Greek name and pronunciation: Mahlepi, μαχλέπι, pronounced mah-LEH-pee At the market: In the U.S., mahlab kernels or powder may be available in larger markets, or in specialty groceries catering to Mediterranean and/or Middle Eastern cuisines. Mahlab may also be marketed as “St. Lucie Cherry Kernels,” or “ground cherry stones.” Physical characteristics: Mahlab kernels are 5 […]
Hot Peppers – Kafteres piperies
Greek name and pronunciation: kafteres piperies, καυτερές πιπεριές, pronounced kahf-ter-ES pee-peh-reeYES At the market: Hot peppers are available in a variety of forms – fresh, dried, coarsely ground, flaked, and powdered. They come in a range of colors and sizes. Physical characteristics: The size, shape and color of hot peppers depends upon the variety and […]