Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Make Your Own Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Domates Liastes In Greek: λιαστές ντομάτες, say: lee-ah-STES doh-MAH-tes Sun-dried tomatoes can be pretty pricey at the market, but they’re easy to make at home. The way they are made in many traditional Greek homes takes some time, but the result is fabulous. Don’t use big meaty tomatoes for this process – instead, look for […]

How To Make Raisins from Grapes

Grapes abound in Greece, and when we harvest our own, we always set aside some to dry so that we have raisins all during the year. It isn’t difficult, and the raisins keep well in airtight glass or plastic containers and even in plastic bags. Use red or green seedless grapes. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3-4 weeks […]

How to Knead Homemade Phyllo Dough

1) Start with the Homemade Phyllo Dough For newcomers to homemade phyllo dough, the density of the dough can be surprising. Kneading phyllo will soften it, but it isn’t an extremely soft dough. Depending on the type of dish you are preparing, select and make a recipe for phyllo dough: Basic Phyllo Recipe Country Phyllo for […]

Country Phyllo Crust for Pan-Sized Pies

 Phyllo yia Pites In Greek: φύλλο για πίτες, pronounced FEE-loh yah PEE-tes This recipe for phyllo is perfect for making country pies. It’s rolled out with a rolling pin, which is slightly different than using a pasta machine. The quantity is for a large pan commonly used in Greece, similar in size to a large […]

Make Your Own Phyllo Dough

In Greek: φύλλο, pronounced FEE-lo Freshly made phyllo dough (also spelled “filo”) isalways preferable, and it isn’t difficult. Use a pasta machine to make sheets of thin to thick dough to use for pitas and pastries. The alternative, rolling it out with a rolling pin, takes time and experience to master (see below for special instructions). […]

Grape Spoon Sweet with Slivered Almonds

 Glyko Stafyli me Amygthala In Greek: γλυκό σταφύλι με αμύγδαλα, pronounced ghlee-KOH stah-FEE-lee meh ah-MEEGH-thah-lah This spoon sweet is my family’s favorite. The toasted almonds add a wonderful flavor to the mix. We make it during the September grape harvest, and store it in jars to serve throughout the year. To increase the recipe, multiply […]

Moustalevria: Grape Must Pudding

In Greek: μουσταλευριά, pronounced moo-stah-lev-ree-AH Grape must is the juice from pressed grapes before fermentation, and is often used as a sweetener in traditional bread recipes, as well as in the preparation of desserts and candy. This grape must pie is a favorite, especially popular at grape harvest season when the must is fresh. You […]