Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Greek Chicken Soup – Kotosoupa

The most recognizable chicken soup in Greece is Avgolemono (ahv-goh-LEH-moh-no) or Egg-Lemon soup. With Avgolemono, the traditional broth is thickened with eggs and flavored with lemon to make a dense, creamy soup well suited to colder weather. This version is simpler, it’s not quite as heavy, but it still makes a hearty, chunky soup with a rich […]

Classic White Bean Soup – Fassolatha

A staple of any Greek household, Fassolatha is the Classic White Bean soup that is hearty, nutritious, and delicious.Bean soup or fassolatha (fah-soh-LAH-tha) will be on the menu at least once a week in a Greek household. It’s also a staple of the Lenten season. This recipe makes 6 – 8 servings and is hearty, nutritious, and […]

Chilled Watermelon Soup – Karpouzosoupa

In Greek: καρπουζόσουπα, pronounced kar-poo-ZOH-soo-pah A delicious soup made with watermelon, sweet wine, mint, honey, and mixed fresh fruit. Fabulous for summer as an appetizer or dessert.A fabulous choice for hot days, this cold soup is made with watermelon – puréed with honey and a sweet dessert wine – and a few other summer fruits […]

Cold Beet Soup – Krya Pantzarosoupa

In Greek: κρύα παντζαρόσουπα, pronounced KREE-yah pahnd-zah-ROH-soo-pah This recipe has its origins in Eastern Europe, and combines beets, vegetables, herbs, and a touch of yogurt to make a delightful appetizer or main dish soup. Using pre-cooked canned or packaged beets makes this a quick and easy dish.This thick soup is a favorite light meal on […]