Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Ancient sweet with honey

INGREDIENTS: 200gr white flour 50gr peeled almonds 50gr walnuts 50gr sesame 150gr honey (thyme fed) 3 eggs METHOD: Crush the almonds and walnuts well. Grind the sesame. Preheat the oven to 200oC. Beat the eggs with the honey and slowly add the flour and all the other ingredients, beating constantly. Grease a cake pan and […]

Ancient Greek Pulp – (Arxaios hylos Kikeon)

Kikeon is something between food and drink. The word “kikeon” (eoea?i) comes from the verb “kikan” (eoeUi), which means thickening by continuously stirring. The recipe that is given best resembles the ancient version of “Kikeon”  Greek : Αρχαίος χυλός Κικεών Serves / Yields : 4 persons INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup (120 gr) semolina 375 gr riccota cheese 2 spoons […]

Ancient Fruit Salad – (Froutosalata)

Greek : Φρουτοσαλάτα Serves / Yields : 4 persons INGREDIENTS: 1 melon 2 peaches 2 pears 1 bunch of grapes 2 glasses Mosxato wine 1/2 cup peeled and chopped almonds 1/2 cup golden grapes 1/2 cup honey METHOD Cut the melon in half and carefully remove the flesh and cut into small pieces. Mix the melon with the […]

Ancient Bean soup – (Fasolada)

Greek : Φασολάδα Serves / Yields : 6 persons INGREDIENTS: 2 cups white beans 1/2 liter water 200 gr. lard 3 onions finely chopped 1/2 liter beef broth 2 garlic cloves 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon honey 1/2 teaspoon coriander 1 bunch parsley 2 bay leafs salt and pepper METHOD: Soak the beans in water over night. […]

Ancient Greek Mullet

Greek : Μπαρμπούνια Ingredients: 6 small or 3 large red mullets, cleaned 2 handfuls of fresh herbs finely chopped (thyme, spearmint, coriander, marjoram, parsley, rosemary. If you do not have fresh herbs use one soupspoon of each. 3 soupspoons olive oil juice of one lemon salt and pepper Method: Mix the herbs together with the oil, the […]

Festive pilaf of Peloponnesos

The simple Sunday and festive meal eaten in most of the Peloponnesos and elsewhere. Ingredients: 2/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 21/2 pounds boneless beef chuck, cut into large stewing pieces Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 cup long-grain rice Juice of 1 lemon 1 large onion, finely chopped 2 […]