Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

About Trahanas

A traditional soup made of natural ingredients Trachanas is a food directly related to the Cypriot culture and rural life. Trachanas is a true national dish such that no visitor should have been left without tasting this authentic soup of Cyprus, made only with a few simple natural ingredients, exactly as it was made decades […]

About Soujoukos & Palouzes (information)

In older times, traditional sweets were made from the boiled thick grape juice which apart from honey was the only other available sweetener. Such sweet grape products were especially made in village clusters that produced grapes in abundance. In 1801 Clarke noted that, “perhaps there is no part in the world where the vine yields such […]

About Halloumi

History Halloumi, fresh or mature, has always been the flagship of Cyprus’ authentic cuisine. For centuries, this product is a key constituent of the Cypriot diet and has been closely associated with the culture and traditions of the local people. With an estimated annual per capita consumption of 8 kilos, Halloumi exceeds by far in […]

About Spoon Sweets in Cyprus (Information)

A gesture of Cypriot Hospitality A traditional and delightful Greek Cypriot custom is the offering of spoon sweets to guests as a symbol of hospitality. They are called spoon sweets because the usual serving size is a well-filled teaspoon. Spoon sweets are popular both in Cyprus and in Greece, usually served with Greek coffee and a […]

Cypriot Traditional Meat

Loukanika (village sausages) are made from selected fresh pork meat, wine, salt and spices. The pork meat is minced, marinated with coriander seeds, black pepper and salt and then left to mature in dry red wine for 7-15 days so that the meat, spices and wine are perfectly blended. Filling the well-washed pork intestines requires skill […]

Zivania the AuthenticCypriot Spirit

Its Cypriot story Zivania is a traditional alcoholic beverage, which has been produced for centuries in Cyprus by distillation, and has played an important role in the everyday life of Cypriots. Zivania is a strong drink, high in alcoholic content which according to tradition (also adopted by the 1998 Regulations for the Control of zivania) […]

Bulgur Lentil Pilaf

Ingredients: 2 medium onions 2 tomatoes – peeled/seeded/chopped 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 cup brown lentils 1 cup medium coarse bulgur 2 cups hot water 1/3 cup olive oil salt and black pepper Method: wash lentils and boil gently for 10 minutes, drain using cold water chop and lightly brown onions in olive oil, add […]

Kolokasi – Taro root stew (vegetarian)

Ingredients: 2.5 pounds of taro root (kolokas) 4 stems of celery (optional) 2 large onions 4 medium tomatoes 1/4 cup olive oil 1 to 2 tablespoon(s) tomato paste 1.5 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon black pepper 4 cups water (boiling to speed cooking time) Method: peel/wash/dry taro root…use knife to crack irregular pieces (2 to 3 […]

Fresh Pasta with Lots of Garlic

SKORDOMAKARONA My friend Haralambos, the district education counselor from Molaous near Sparta, is a walking encyclopedia of local history, gastronomy, and folkways. He shared this simple recipe with me, explaining that it was the workers’ lunch during the summer threshing period as well as during the fig harvest. The tremendous amount of garlic—3 whole heads or more— acted as a replacement […]