Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Fresh Green Beans with Onions and Fresh Cream

FASOLAKIA FRESKA ME ANTHOGALA Anthogala, which is what the original recipe calls for, are the billows of cream that float atop fresh milk. Its Greek name translates as “milk blossom”; the French know it as fleur de crème. In the U.S. the best substitute is heavy cream. I found this recipe in a collection of old regional Greek dishes, and […]

Chard Stewed with Celery and Feta

SESKOULA YIAHNI ME FETA Makes 4 to 6 servings Ingredients: 2 pounds green chard, trimmed, coarsely chopped, and washed well 1⁄2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus oil for drizzling on 3 large onions, finely chopped 2 cups finely chopped celery 2 cups grated tomatoes or coarsely chopped plum tomatoes (canned are fine) Salt and freshly […]

Giant Beans with Celery

GIGANTES ME SELINO Gigantes, giant beans, are similar to what Americans know as butter beans. This recipe comes from Ioanna Brotsi, who opened her Arcadian home to us, invited ten of her neighbors, and served us up a feast of old recipes and handwritten cooks’ notebooks. Makes about 4 to 6 servings Ingredients: 1⁄2 pound dried Greek giant […]

Black-Eyed Peas with Vegetables and Small Pasta

MAVROMATIKA FASOLIA ME ZARZAVATIKA KAI HILOPITES Makes 4 servings Ingredients: 1⁄2 pound dried black-eyed peas, picked over and rinsed 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 large carrot, finely chopped 1 leek, white part only, washed well and finely chopped 1 large red bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 large green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1 […]

Thyme – Thymari

Greek name and pronunciation: Thymari, θυμάρι, pronounced thee-MAH-ree (soft th sound) At the market: Thyme is available both fresh and dried, and fresh thyme is much preferred in cooking. Dried thyme leaves are sold in disposable containers, and fresh thyme is sold in bundles. Thyme is also a good choice for a kitchen herb garden. […]

Tarragon – Estragon

Greek name and pronunciation: Estragon, εστραγκόν, pronounced es-trah-GON At the market: Tarragon is sold fresh and dried. Physical characteristics: Fresh (French) tarragon leaves are bright green and approximately 1″ long and 1/4″-1/2″ wide. The leaves have a tendency to curl when dried. This 2-3 foot perennial has light golden ball-shaped flowers, approximately 1/2″ in diameter, […]

Savory – Throubi Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Throubi, θρουμπί, pronounced throo-BEE At the market: Savory is seldom available at the grocery market as a freshly cut herb. It is most often sold as dried leaves in disposable containers. Summer savory is easily grown in indoor herb gardens or outdoors in warm weather. Physical characteristics: In the wild, savory […]

Sage – Faskomilo Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Faskomilo, φασκόμηλο, pronounced fahs-KOH-mee-lo At the market: Sage is available as fresh or dried leaves. Dried sage is usually available in either coarse ground or powder form. Buy fresh sage that is strongly scented. Refrigerate wrapped in a paper towel in a sealable plastic bag, to keep usable for up to […]

Purslane – Glistrida Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Glistritha, γλιστρίδα, pronounced ghlee-STREE-thah (hard “th” sound) At the market: At the grocery store, you might find purslane leaves sold as a fresh herb packaged in disposable containers. It is sometimes available as a live plant sold in potting containers ready for transfer to your garden. Physical characteristics: Purslane leaves are […]

Parsley – Maidanos Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: maïdanos, μαϊντανός, pronounced my-ee-dah-NOHSS At the market: Bundles of freshly cut parsley or disposable containers of dried parsley leaves and dried parsley seeds are available at the market. Fresh is always preferable since dried parsley quickly loses taste and aroma. Physical characteristics: Parsley has a light, fresh scent and flavor. It […]