Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Ancient Greek Cuisine – Legumes and cereals

The relatively large-scale consumption of legumes and cereals is another nutritional characteristic that markedly sets apart ancient Greeks from other European peoples. Legumes and cereals were the fare of the poor and constituted the dietary basis for the majority of Greeks who could not often afford expensive meat, both in ancient and more recent times. […]

Ancient Greek Cuisine – Olive oil

There is no doubt that olive oil is the most typical Mediterranean staple. It is the first ingredient that comes to the mind of laymen and nutritionists whenever mention is being made of the Mediterranean eating habits. The latter occurs because only in the region of the Mediterranean is olive oil so omnipresent in the […]

Ancient Greek Cuisine – Meals

It appears that in classical times Greeks ate two meals a day, although in the pre-classical period daily meals amounted to three. Breakfast was usually called “αριστον” [ariston] and in the Byzantine period the participle “αριστευσας” [aristefsas] signified not only the student who had earned a mark above “very good” but also someone who had […]

Ancient Greek Cuisine – Some Words

The first references to the dietary habits of Ancient Greece are traced to the texts of classic tragedians and comedy writers; information on the subject is more richly provided in sources pertaining to the Hellenistic Age, the Roman Era and the Byzantine Period. The number of books and studies written in the course of these […]

Ancient Greek Cuisine

Ancient Greek Cuisine – Some Words Ancient Greek Cuisine – Meals Ancient Greek Cuisine – About the food of the Meals What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat Ancient Greek Cuisine – Olive oil Ancient Greek Cuisine – Vegetables. Fruit. Seasonings Ancient Greek Cuisine – Legumes and cereals Ancient Greek Cuisine – Meat Ancient Greek Cuisine – Fish Ancient Greek Cuisine […]

Byzantine Cuisine

Byzantine Cuisine – Some Words Byzantine Cuisine – Encyclopedia Byzantine Cuisine – Cereals Byzantine Cuisine – Wild greens and vegetables Byzantine Dinner – Byzantine Dinner Byzantine Cuisine – Diverse tastes Byzantine Recipes Meat Vegetable Deserts Fish Beverages