Original Recipe [To cook fish] Hierophile, 13th century …one should choose fish which has a delicate flesh… They should be cooked with oxymel, vinegar and garum. [Master Demetrios, Byzantine Cuisine] Ingredients: 4 lbs. salmon fillets 4 Tbsp. White wine vinegar 2 Tbsp. + 2 tsp. Honey 2 tsp. Fish sauce Olive oil Method: Spread a small […]
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Fresh Oysters Byzantine Recipe
Ingredients: 3-4 oysters per person pinch of pepper pinch of ground lovage 2 egg yolks 1 tbls vinegar 1 tbls olive oil 1 tbls wine 1 tsp anchovy essence 1 tbls honey (optional) Method: Open the oysters as near as possible to the time of eating. They may be served raw, stewed,or baked then covered […]
Kakavia (fish soup) Byzantine Recipe
This is a fresh fish soup, which is improved by having as many different varieties of fish as possible. You can make it with salt or fresh water fish, but you will need at least 3 or 4 varieties for the best results. Ingredients: 1 cup scallions or leeks, sliced 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 stalk fennel, […]
Fish Byzantine recipes
Kakavia Fresh Oysters Byzantine Salmon Grilled bonito with unripe grapes and mustard seed Smelt patty with garlic sauce
Zirbaya (Chicken in a Sweet Sauce) Byzantine Recipe
Andalusian p. A-8 Take a young, cleaned hen and put it in a pot with a little salt, pepper, coriander, cinnamon, saffron and sufficient of vinegar and sweet oil, and when the meat is cooked, take peeled, crushed almonds and good white sugar, four ounces of each; dissolve them in rosewater, pour in the pot […]
Buran (Meatballs in a Yogurt and Eggplant Dip) Byzantine recipe
al-Baghdadi p. 191/8 (GOOD) Take eggplant, and boil lightly in water and salt, then take out and dry for an hour. Fry this in fresh sesame-oil until cooked: peel, put into a dish or a large cup, and beat well with a ladle, until it becomes like kabis. Add a little salt and dry coriander. Take some […]
Barmakiyya (Spiced Chicken Pies) Byzantine Recipe
(Andalusian p. A-9) It is made with hens, pigeons, ring doves, small birds, or lamb. Take what you have of it, then clean it and cut it and put it in a pot with salt and onion, pepper, coriander and lavender or cinnamon, some murri naqi, and oil. Put it over a gentle fire until […]
Mishmishya (Meat Stew With Fruit) Byzantine Recipe
(al-Baghdadi) Cut fat meat small, put into the saucepan with a little salt, and cover with water. Boil and remove the scum. Cut up onions, wash, and throw in on top of the meat. Add seasonings, coriander, cumin, mastic, cinnamon, pepper and ginger, well ground. Take dry apricots, soak in hot water, then wash and […]
Assaturatam (Honey Roasted Meat) Byzantine Recipe
Original Recipe Apicius, #268 Assaturam: Assam a furno simplicent salis plurimo conspersam cum melle inferes. Roasted Meat: The meat is roasted plain in the oven, sprinkled generously with salt. Serve with honey. [Giacosa, p. 88] Ingredients: 2-3 pounds beef roast 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 cup honey, divided Preparation Steps: Heat oven to 450 degrees F. Sprinkle […]
In Pullo Elizo Ius Crudum (Uncooked Sauce for Birds) Byzantine Recipe
Original Recipe In Pullo Elizo Ius Crudum Apicius, #235 Put in the mortar dill seed, dry mint, laser root, moisten with vinegar, fig wine, broth, a little mustard, oil and reduced must, and serve. (Vehling, p. 149) Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dill seed 1 1/2 teaspoons dried peppermint 4 cloves garlic 1 1/2 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 4 […]