Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Wild greens (Horteri) Byzantine recipes

Ingredients: 2-3 kg assorted wild greens: hartwort, amaranth, radicchio, sowthistle, nettle, endive, mustard 250 g dry onions, finely chopped 300 g green onions, finely chopped 1/2 cup olive oil 1 bunch fresh dilllweed, chopped 1 bunch fresh fennelweed, chopped salt and pepper Method: Trim, chop and rinse greens. Steam them in a large pot and […]

Byzantine cuisine – Wild greens and vegetables

Due to fasting, the Byzantines incorporated fresh vegetables and wild greens in their meals much more often than the ancient Greeks, although the varieties consumed in both historic periods did not vary considerably. Compared with the modern age, fresh vegetables and wild greens were given different names and varied in their cooking method; for these […]

Khushkananaj (Almond Cake) Byzantine Recipe

Original Recipe: al-Baghdadi p. 212/14 Take fine white flour, and with every ratl mix three uqiya of sesame-oil (one part oil to four of flour), kneading into a firm paste. Leave to rise; then make into long loaves. Put into the middle of each loaf a suitable quantity of ground almonds and scented sugar mixed with rose water, […]

Lagana Byzantine Recipe

Original Recipe Laganon Hesychius Dictionary[1] “Laganon: a type of small cake, dry, made from the finest wheat flour and fried in a frying pan in olive oil.” Ingredients: 1/2 cup unbleached flour 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup water (scant) 1/4 teaspoon salt Preparation Steps: Combine flours and salt in a mixing bowl. Gradually add […]