Ingredients: For the Pastry: 1 kilo of hard flour 750 grams of soft flour 1 cup of sourdough starter 175 grams of vegetable shortening 4 cups of warm water 3/4 of a cup of corn oil 3/4 tsp of salt 1/4 tsp of mastic 1/4 tsp of mahleb kernels For the Filling: 1 kilo of […]
Search Results for: sourdough
Bread or Rusks with Vinegar, Olive Oil, and Salted Sardines from Lefkada
RIGANATHA APO TIN LEFKADA This is another simple bread snack that was the traditional afternoon meal among field hands and farmers in Lefkada. Islanders will tell you proudly that riganatha isn’t made anywhere else in Greece, and they are right. Unique to this dish is its dressing—rose water vinegar. For the rose water vinegar: The traditional way of making this was […]
Crumbled Feta Spread on Bread from Zakynthos
PRETZA ME PSOMI Pretza is a local feta cheese product made in Zakynthos and Cephalonia, something akin to cream cheese but pungent and peppery. You can find it in several cheese shops in Athens, but it is nowhere to be found in America. You can make an ersatz version by mixing crumbled feta with a little ricotta or fresh Greek myzithra […]
Crusty Greek Country Bread – Horiatiko Psomi
In Greek: χωριάτικο ψωμί, pronounced hoh-ree-AH-tee-koh psoh-MEE In villages around Greece, this classic bread is still baked in outdoor wood-burning ovens. This bread is more dense than other types of bread (the loaf at right measures about 13 inches across and weighs a little more than 2 pounds) and can be made with a variety […]
Cheese and flour cake Byzantine Recipe
Original recipe: al-Andalusi no. 79 p. C-2 (Good) Knead the necessary quantity of flour, one time with water, another with oil, and to it add yeast and milk until it has the same consistency as the dough of fritters, and leave it until it has next risen. Next grease with oil a large earthen pot, stretch in […]
Khushkananaj (Almond Cake) Byzantine Recipe
Original Recipe: al-Baghdadi p. 212/14 Take fine white flour, and with every ratl mix three uqiya of sesame-oil (one part oil to four of flour), kneading into a firm paste. Leave to rise; then make into long loaves. Put into the middle of each loaf a suitable quantity of ground almonds and scented sugar mixed with rose water, […]
Baking Cyprus recipes
Tyropsomo me Halloumi (Cheese-Bread with Halloumi) Halloumi Cup Cakes (Cheese Muffins) Paskies me Prozimi (Lamb and Cheese Pie with Sourdough) Cypriot Black Olive Pies Kolokotes (Squash Pastries) Glystarkes (Sweet Sesame Rusk’s) Flaounes (1) (Easter Cheese Pastries) Easter Flaounes (2) Eliopita (Black Olive Bread) Chicken pies Cyprus pitta recipe Kattimeri Cyprus recipe
Glystarkes (Sweet Sesame Rusk’s)
Ingredients: 4 kg plus 4 cups of soft flour (pastry flour) 6 cups of hard flour (bread flour) 6 tsp of salt 4 cups of vegetable shortening 4 cups of sugar 7 cups of warm water 1 level tsp of powder cinnamon 1 level tsp of powder cloves 4 level tsp of crushed anise 1 […]
Riganatha: Grilled Bread with Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, and Oregano
In Greek: ριγανάδα, pronounced ree-ghah-NAH-thah This is one version of Greek bruschetta and a favorite and easy recipe for a quick snack or accompaniment to drinks. Use homemade crusty country bread, or thick slices of sourdough, french, or italian bread. Cook Time: 10 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes Ingredients: 3/4-inch slices of country style bread chopped tomatoes […]