Keftethes(keh-FTEH-thes) are savory Greek meatballs that are served as an appetizer ormeze(meh-ZEH). The traditional recipe calls for frying the meatballs, but I’ve found that this baked version is quite good and a bit healthier.For the tastiest meatballs, prepare the ground meat mixture earlier in the day and allow it to sit in the refrigerator for […]
Search Results for: walnut
Combine Dried Fruits and Nuts to Make Greek Mezethes or Party Snacks
In Greece, we love nuts! Little nut shops abound where, not coincidentally, dried fruits are also sold. The combination of dried fruits and nuts is a Greek favorite, and while there are many wonderful Greek dishes to serve at a party, these should not be overlooked. Little dishes with nuts – mixed or one type – […]
Skorthalia (Skordalia): Greek Garlic Dip and Sauce
In Greek: σκορδαλιά pronounced skor-thal-YAH My older family members would fix this using a mortar and pestle to first degrade the garlic with salt, then add other ingredients to create the purée texture desired. Today, I often use a food processor or hand mixer which makes things a lot easier and takes a lot less […]
Greek Recipes for Eggplant Dip – Melitzanosalata
Dips with eggplant are among the most famous Greek dishes, and there are many variations. Here are several recipes to tempt you. Eggplant Dip (Basic) – Melitzanosalata This is the basic version of this classic Greek appetizer dip and accompaniment to other foods. Eggplant Dip with Tomato – Melitzanosalata me Domata This dip is a […]