- 10 cups grape
- 10 tablespoons full of flour
- 4 sprigs kiouli (armparoriza)
- 2 sprigs VASILITZIA (Royal)
- 100 almonds or walnuts

- First inflate almonds in cold water. Once we move to soften the thick string with a thick needle the one next to some other horizontal. The we tie the two ends and tafinoume the sun for two or three days to dry. With one hundred kernels can do two kicks sousouko. When dry, to solve the two ends and attached to a Ksiliko katsounari (agkyloto a branch or a hanger).
- After we make the moustalevria (ppalouze) and when we are ready threads with the almonds and dip inside. On a hanger to hang the threads of the past with almonds to dry. Caution, not the sun. Place them around in about half an hour to dry. (I understand with a simple test. Touch with our fingers, and when the sousouko not stick means it is dry.) Meanwhile Replace the pan with moustalevria fire and let it kochlasei again, then the stirring to prevent sticking the bottom of the pot. The download from the heat and dip again in sousouko moustalevria. We follow the same procedure, ie leaving again for another half hour to dry though we have some more moustalevria the dip again be as “thick” want. Allow for 3 days a sousouko to dry completely. Once cut into pieces and keep in dry and shady place or freezer. It is a glykitati, threptikotati and very healthy delicacy for the cold months of winter.
- You may want to keep the sousouko in glass containers with raisins, another healthy delicacy of winter