Kattimeri is a cyprus dessers for all times comes from an old traditional recipe
- 2 1 / 2 pounds flour village
- 1 cup corn oil
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
- sugar
- olive oil
- cinnamon

1. Mix the flour, sugar and salt.Add the corn and rubbing with the fingers to be like detritus.Add water until it becomes a soft dough that can open a spreadsheet.Left for half an hour to rest.
2. Take a piece of dough and the opening minutes to round sheet.
3. The salve of olive oil, sprinkle with some sugar and cinnamon.
4. Take the tip of a leaf and I’ll go to the middle, about 1 / 3 of the leaf.
5. I do exactly the same from the opposite side, strafronontas both ends.
6. Then take the other side and close to average.
7. At the end do the same with the last corner and close the file as.
8. Open again to make a little one leaves.
9. Cook on grill or in a non satzii or frying pan without oil, the gyrnontas many times to baked good