In Greek: μανιτάρια τηγανητά, pronounced mah-nee-TAH-reeyah tee-ghah-nee-TAH
A simple and quick side dish or appetizer, a popular mushroom for this dish in Greece is the oyster mushroom. Keep it Greek and serve with a squeeze of lemon.

Fried Oyster Mushrooms
- 1 pound of oyster or porcini mushrooms
- 1/2 cup of flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
- olive oil for frying
Wipe mushrooms with a dry paper towel to remove any accumulated dirt.
In a skillet, heat 1/4-inch of oil to below the smoke point (medium to medium high heat, depending on the stove).
In a deep plate, combine flour and salt. Coat each mushroom, and fry until golden.
Drain on absorbent paper towels and serve with lemon wedges on the side.
Serving suggestion: Fried mushrooms go exceptionally well with leafy greens, and vegetables stews.