Mezedes is a large selection of dishes with small helpings of varied foods, brought to the table as a progression of tastes and textures. The meal begins with black and green olives,tahini, skordalia (potato and garlic dip), humus, taramosalata (fish roe dip), and tzatziki, all served with chunks of fresh bread and a bowl of mixed salad. Some of the more […]
Search Results for: Cyprus Mezedes
Cyprus Cuisine (122)
Cypriot cuisine is the cuisine of Cyprus and can be described as a blend of Greek cuisines. Greek Cypriot cuisine is another regional Greek cuisine along with Cretan, Ionian, or Attic. Modern western cuisine (especially fast food) has an increasing influence on the day-to-day diet on the island. The names given to the foods of the Cypriot cuisine are different […]
Greek and Cypriot recipes
Greek recipes Appetizers & Starters Vegetables & Pulse Sauses Salads Soups Festive Greek recipes Meat dishes Seafood Baking Desserts Greek Pasta Recipes Pilaf Reicpes Coffees,Teas,Spirits and Other Drinks Herbs and Spices Others Cypriot recipes Mezethes – Starters Vegetables & Pulse Salads Soups Meat dishes Seafood Baking Desserts Other recipes Cyprus Local Drinks The main herbs […]