THIPLES Thiples—sometimes called xerotygana—are not unique to the Peloponnesos, but they are very much a part of the region’s culinary life. “A wedding without thiples would be like a wedding without a bride,” one woman told me. While the sweet is made all over Greece, it is shaped differently from place to place. In Crete, for example, strips of dough about […]
Search Results for: Fritter
Pencil-Thin Dough Fritters (Peloponnesos)
In greek LALANGIA i TIGANIDES These are the signature fritters of the southern Peloponnesos, piled high in bakeries and sweet shops, made at home around Christmas, and savored with either honey or grated cheese. They are made with a basic bread dough, leavened with homemade starter. It is a process that requires some time, but overall it is easy. Makes about […]
Ancient honey and sesame fritters – (Arxaies Tiganites me meli kai sousami)
It is amazing how little this recipe has changed 1800 after. The Roman Physician Galinos (129 – 99 ac) describes in his book this sweet with many details. Greek : Αρχαίες τηγανήτες με μέλι και σουσάμι Serves / Yields : 4 persons INGREDIENTS: 120 gr flour 225 ml water 2 spoons honey Oil for frying 1 spoon (15 […]
Domatokeftethes: Tomato Fritters
In Greek: ντοματοκεφτέδες, pronounced doh-mah-to-kef-TEH-thes Tomato fritters are a delightful appetizer or side dish, and a speciality of Santorini, a Greek island known for its tomatoes. The combination of herbs can be adjusted to include dill, parsley, basil, mint, or oregano, depending on taste preference. The recipe calls for self-rising flour. Ingredients: 4 ripe medium tomatoes, […]
Zucchini Fritters with Feta – Kolokithokeftethes me Feta
These zucchini fritters called kolokithokeftethes (koh-loh-kee-thoh-kef-TEH- thes) are a tasty addition to any meze table. Try them as a vegetarian alternative to meatballs or top them with a fresh tzatziki sauce and you just may decide to make them the main meal. Prep Time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes Yield: Approximately 25-30 fritters Ingredients: 2 1/4 lbs.(1 kilo) zucchini […]
Tiganites: Pancakes / Fritters
In Greek: τηγανήτες, pronounced tee-ghah-NEE-tess Similar to small pancakes, these light, crispy medallion-sized treats are a delight served with honey or petimezi… or with syrup, preserves, or a creative topping of your own design. They can be eaten as a sweet snack, with breakfast, or as a brunch dish. Favorites during The Great Lent, these […]
Fennel – Marathos Leaves
Greek name and pronunciation: Maratho, μάραθο, pronounced MAH-rah-thoh (soft th sound)Wild fennel is also known as malathro (μάλαθρο, say: MAH-lah-throh) At the market: The most commonly used fennel leaves in Greek cooking are fresh, sold in bunches or attached to the root. It is sometimes sold under the name “anise” because of the similarity in tastes, but […]
Ancient Greek Cuisine
Ancient Greek Cuisine – Some Words Ancient Greek Cuisine – Meals Ancient Greek Cuisine – About the food of the Meals What Did the Ancient Greeks Eat Ancient Greek Cuisine – Olive oil Ancient Greek Cuisine – Vegetables. Fruit. Seasonings Ancient Greek Cuisine – Legumes and cereals Ancient Greek Cuisine – Meat Ancient Greek Cuisine – Fish Ancient Greek Cuisine […]
Cheese and flour cake Byzantine Recipe
Original recipe: al-Andalusi no. 79 p. C-2 (Good) Knead the necessary quantity of flour, one time with water, another with oil, and to it add yeast and milk until it has the same consistency as the dough of fritters, and leave it until it has next risen. Next grease with oil a large earthen pot, stretch in […]
Vegetables & Pulse Greek recipes
Boiled/Stewed Veggie Sides Stewed Green Beans and Zucchini Lahano Katsarolas: Stewed Cabbage with Mint Hortarika sto Fourno: Oven-Stewed Mixed Vegetables Horta me Kolokythakia: Greens with Baby Zucchini Arakas me Anitho: Dilled Peas with Peppers Arakas me Aginares: Dilled Peas with Artichoke Hearts Creamed Mixed Greens with Smoked Bacon & Yogurt Broccoli with Latholemono (Oil and […]