Greek Recipes

Greek and Cypriot recipes

Sage – Faskomilo Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Faskomilo, φασκόμηλο, pronounced fahs-KOH-mee-lo At the market: Sage is available as fresh or dried leaves. Dried sage is usually available in either coarse ground or powder form. Buy fresh sage that is strongly scented. Refrigerate wrapped in a paper towel in a sealable plastic bag, to keep usable for up to […]

Purslane – Glistrida Herb

Greek name and pronunciation: Glistritha, γλιστρίδα, pronounced ghlee-STREE-thah (hard “th” sound) At the market: At the grocery store, you might find purslane leaves sold as a fresh herb packaged in disposable containers. It is sometimes available as a live plant sold in potting containers ready for transfer to your garden. Physical characteristics: Purslane leaves are […]

Raki / Tsikoudia

Every autumn after grape harvest, various wine festivities begin throughout Greece. A few days later, in Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia and on the island of Crete the “Celebration of Tsipouro” takes place. Tsipouro is a strong distilled spirit containing approximately 37 per cent alcohol per volume and is produced from the must-residue of the wine-press. The name tsipouro […]

Retsina – Greek Wines of the Gods

Some people say that Retsina, the resinated wine produced in Greece since ancient times, is an acquired taste. I’ll agree – I acquired it immediately. Not everyone agrees – the Epicurious Dictionary describes the flavor as “sappy and turpentinelike”. But cooking expert Sheila Lukinsbreaks ranks and calls it the “quintessential Mediterranean wine”, applauding it as an accompaniment […]

Greek Coffees,Teas,Spirits and Other Drinks

Learn about traditional thick Greek coffee, aromatic (and therapeutic) herbal teas, and the wide selection of Greek aperitifs, wines, and spirits. Spirits: Ouzo:Greek philosophy Greece’s favorite anise flavored drink is potent and fiery and distinctly Greek. More than just an aperitif, ouzo is a social phenomenon and a cultural mainstay of Greece. Retsina: Greek Wine […]

Pilafi Kritis: Cretan Wedding Pilaf

In Greek: πιλάφι, pronounced pee-LAH-fee There are two kinds of rice dishes in Greece: rice (ryzi) and pilaf (pilafi). Rice is… well, rice, and pilaf is creamy and cooked in broth from freshly boiled chicken or beef. Pilaf is a traditional wedding dish on Crete, where it’s made in enormous quantities to feed the often […]

Sarikopita: “Turban” Cheese Pie

In Greek: σαρικόπιτα, pronounced sah-ree-KOH-pee-tah Shaped like little turbans, these sharp-tasting cheese pies are a specialty on the island of Crete. They are best made with homemade phyllo dough rolled out to the thickness of 2-3 pieces of copier paper (or setting number 6 on a pasta machine), but in a pinch, can be made […]