A great dish for vegetarians and vegans, this vegetable stew also meets Greek Orthodox fasting requirements. It calls for peas, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, garlic, and a traditional assortment of herbs and seasonings. Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour Ingredients: 1/2 cup of olive oil 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 cup […]
Search Results for: vegan
Broad (Fava) Beans & Artichoke Hearts – Koukia me Aginares
In Greek: κουκιά με αγκινάρες, pronounced kook-YAH meh ahg-kee-NAH-ress Here in Greece, fresh broad beans (also known as fava beans) are a culinary event. This recipe is a spring favorite, especially during Lent, and a great choice for vegetarians and vegans. Cook Time: 50 minutes Total Time: 50 minutes Ingredients: 3 1/3 pounds of fresh broad (fava) beans 8-12 […]
Black-Eyed Peas with Capers
Mavromatika me Kappari In Greek: μαυροματικά με κάππαρι;, pronounced mah-vroh-mah-tee-KAH meh KAH-pah-ree This easy dish highlights black-eyed peas with the tastes of onions, capers, and dill. Because it is often served chilled or at room temperature, we call it a salad, but it makes a wonderful side dish or vegetarian and vegan main dish. Keys […]
Pureed Meatless Split Pea Soup – Soupa me Bizelia
When the weather turns cold, this thick soup is especially delightful. It’s vegetarian- and vegan-friendly, and a favorite lenten dish as well. In Greek: σούπα με μπιζέλια, pronounced SOO-pah meh bee-ZEL-yah Add a fish dish like taramosalata, some Greek olives, and lots of crusty bread, and you’ve got a traditional meatless Greek Wednesday, Friday, or Lenten […]