Original Recipe:
(An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Century)
Take lemon, after peeling its outer skin, press it and take a ratl of juice, and add as much of sugar. Cook it until it takes the form of a syrup. Its advantages are for the heat of bile; it cuts the thirst and binds the bowels.

Syrup of Lemon
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 1 cup sugar
- Strain lemon juice to remove pulp and small seeds.
- Combine juice and sugar in a sauce pan; bring to boil and cook it down to a syrup consistancy.
- Mix one part syrup to eight parts water for a drink.
- Thirty lemons made about 8 quarts of syrup, which wasn’t enough for the 100 or so people that we served.
- They liked it a lot.